| On some level everything is a matter of opinion, just like it's my opinion that white-on-white isn't a good color …
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| If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure I never really worked on the features marked as "coming in version …
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| Lists don't have to be slow. Any internal implementation could make sure the client has the information it needs to …
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| The libraries are completely free to use however you'd like. I'd appreciate some type of link to whatever libraries you …
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| Thanks for helping out here, Gandalf! One thing that might make it easier is to pass src.name to the on_cooldown and …
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| Killua - yugioh wrote: > Thank you forum_account. I found this quite useful to use. I would like to request adding …
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| When you analyze BYOND one feature at a time you can ignore lots of problems. Code organization, design, and …
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| I'm not as active as I used to be so I don't know if I'll have the time to work on this. There are two parts to this: …
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| People always complain about the layering issues but they're not that bad. Between turfs and a single mob the layering …
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| I think I have camera.pixel_x/y vars added but didn't post the update yet (or maybe I posted it for the PM lib and not …
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| FKI wrote: > Great library, though, I am having a slight problem with it. Everything works great except the NORTH + …
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| Have one map that's 500x500 and another that's 10x10. When they buy a house, just copy the 10x10 one.
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| If you want to bind actions to keys you don't need to make macros, you can use the key_down() proc: mob key_down(k) …
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| I'm not sure. I've made some changes since v10 but not too much has changed, so I'm not in a hurry to post it. I was …
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| DarkCampainger wrote: > If we get access to the DirectX Sprite.Transform matrices (it's in another feature request), it …
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| Kboy33 wrote: > When I compile i get this error: BYOND\lib\forum_account\ keyboard\keyboard.dm:186:warning: if: if …
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| There shouldn't be collision issues with larger mobs. There could be problems if world.icon_size is 32 and you've got a …
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| You can use the 3D movement mode with any perspective, not just isometric. You can use it with the top-down perspective …
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| DvK87 wrote: > however I do think that BYOND does a good job on the map editor, the intuitive atom hiarchy and the …
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| Perlin noise uses a matrix of random vectors and interpolates between those vectors to generate the noise values. The …
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| Bravo1 wrote: > The community is large, but the number of members that actually participate in the community is …
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| Proxon wrote: > Have you ever thought that maybe there's a way to code those issues away? When you send messages from …
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| You just need to pass the IsVisible() proc 0 or 1, it gets converted to "true" and "false" inside the library.
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| Instead of doing something like this: map_info/battle_map z = 2 one_locs = list("2,2") two_locs = list("2,4", "4,4", …
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| Right, it would work the same way as it does now it'd just be a more graphical way of showing the value. The problem is …
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| The Pixel Movement library doesn't use step_size, it uses the move_speed var. With BYOND's movement, when you press a …
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| I'm marking this as not feasible because it wouldn't be part of the framework itself, but I'm keeping this on the list …
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| I'm marking this as not feasible because it wouldn't be part of the framework itself, but I'm keeping this on the list …
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| Every control uses the same base class and the same method to call winset and winget. I updated this base class to …
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| I can add this but its just a call to prompt() to ask if they want to deposit or withdraw money and a call to …
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| BYOND doesn't run on Linux or Mac and the Flash client doesn't support most interface controls. In terms of …
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| I'd use the Map Instancing library to copy a z level at runtime to create the house and associate the sign and console …
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| People focus too much on what BYOND literally stands for. It's a game development program. It's for making games …
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| Since the controls are determined by the Constants object they can't be customized per-client. The Pixel Movement …
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| I know what you're asking for but that's just not what the framework provides. If you want to arrange abilities like …
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| Writing A New One wrote: > I think this discussion is odd in general. If a developer has access to good art, they …
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| If you can provide some code that'll reliably produce this problem I can test it out. There was one bug fix I have for …
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| Hakemaru wrote: > is it possible to make a pop up box over the buttons in class selection to say what they are? if so …
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| What's stopping someone from using the hub entry for a listed game to package a different, non-listed game as an exe? …
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| You pass the size parameters to the mob's prompt() proc: // this makes a 6x4 window mob.prompt("Hello!") // this makes …
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| I've been meaning to add a way to have casting times for abilities. I'll see what I can come up with but I'm not sure …
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| I'm guessing there's a size limit on world.status that prevents you from packing this much extra information into it …
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| The stepped_on() proc takes a parameter that is the mob who is doing the stepping, you should use that instead. I'm …
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| I wouldn't use the generic var optimization widely, but there a few places in the Pixel Movement library that do …
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| I don't think the P key is being used for anything so I can add a similar method for removing party members.
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| I'd like to set the framework up so people can easily add this type of interface to their game. In the next update I'll …
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| Magnum2k wrote: > Shwb1 wrote: > > meh well i do think it would help people code, its up to tom if he thinks its useful …
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Jan 7, 2:49 am