I came home from work today and found my son on the computer playing Runescape. I'm not sure if I should be worried or not :P
You should. In fact, you should beat him.
Yeah, get him to BYOND...or buy him a decent RPG and a new system to go with it. Runescape is like sewage(you shouldn't let him play in sewage by the way).
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
Yeah, get him to BYOND...or buy him a decent RPG and a new system to go with it. Runescape is like sewage(you shouldn't let him play in sewage by the way).

If this was me I'd keep him on Runescape rather than expose him to BYOND Anime!
Well, I haven't been able to find a Byond RPG he likes that isn't filled with typical Byonders. Sadly, Runescape generally behaves better than the typical Byond rpg.

He's been playing a bunch of SNES rpg's. Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy, etc. but I guess somebody brought up Runescape to him at school.
Its the typical MMO phase. I say introduce him to a better quality MMO, or just hope he grows out of it.

Better yet, teach him how to -make- MMOs.

EVEN BETTER IDEA: send over some money to my paypal and you can give your son a lvl 86 account, so he can be better than all his friends :p
Well, introduce him to Maplestory..It's not as bad as Runescape I think...0_0
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Well, introduce him to Maplestory..It's not as bad as Runescape I think...0_0

No, HELL NO! Maplestory may be more suitable for Children. But runescape is better.

It's all the same, it's still the internet. I'd say let him play games like that and only slightly monitor them. However keep reminding him not to give out his address, add 40 year olds to AIM, etc...Typical parenting 101. You could shelter him from it...But that's the formula to turn him into a goth.
Yes it is, it's just as bad.

If he's into the RPGs, there are lots of RPGs on BYOND you can introduce him to. I know for a fact you played Stolen Lands, which lately there's been people on there on a regular basis.

If he's already playing Final Fantasy and what not, you could introduce him to Final Fantasy 5: Another World. I know it's well moderated because I'm one of the developers.

I could also suggest Dragon Warrior: Shadows of Erdrick, but you wouldn't be able to let him see the chat output. Great game, but there's no content moderation.
IcewarriorX wrote:
It's all the same, it's still the internet. I'd say let him play games like that and only slightly monitor them. However keep reminding him not to give out his address, add 40 year olds to AIM, etc...Typical parenting 101. You could shelter him from it...But that's the formula to turn him into a goth.

I think this falls in the gray area of being an indicator that your son is a computer hacker.
Hiead wrote:
I think this falls in the gray area of being an indicator that your son is a computer hacker.

My favorite line from that whole site :
"...and the RGB color value: D7D7D7 are trademarks of"


Flick wrote:
I came home from work today and found my son on the computer playing Runescape. I'm not sure if I should be worried or not :P

You have failed as a parent.
What? Depending on how old your son is (Assuming he is in the younger orientation), Runescape should be great for him.

Its a small little MMORPG thats a great game for the younglins.
You can do the same thing that your parents must've done the first time they caught you smoking: force him to play a whole pack of the game. ;-)
Rugg wrote:
What? Depending on how old your son is (Assuming he is in the younger orientation), Runescape should be great for him.

Its a small little MMORPG thats a great game for the younglins.

He's nine. It's not the game itself that really concerns me, it's the player base, though I do wish there were better games for him to play. Maybe this will be incentive for me to make one of my own. :P

Jtgibson wrote:
You can do the same thing that your parents must've done the first time they caught you smoking: force him to play a whole pack of the game. ;-)

And twenty five years later, I finally quit... Pass ;)

I used to play Runescape classic when I was about 8-9 (Back before it became 3-D).

Though if your son is into MMORPG's, thats probably the only one i'd recommend for his age. Its a very safe game that has alot of safety reminders and such to keep the player safe, and as well as provide a nicer community.

Wow 25? How old are you Flick? o.o
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