
Joined: Dec 21 2009


Dec 20 2011, 6:32 pm
lmao...dark souls has been down a long time and ye there is tons of NNG rips, just look in the right places
Aug 26 2011, 6:35 am
um wat happened to Dark Souls and are there anymore games like it

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Flash96's Games
Greek Myths(online rp game)
Awsome online rp greek game!!
Re: About Greek Myths(online rp game)
Legendary Sagas
New Dragon Ballz type game looking for gm positions and iconers and mappers and some other things will be updated quite a bit want to have some orginals stuff within the game.
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Naruto: War's Games
Naruto: Shinobi Wars is a MMORPG that allows you to create custom characters to fit into the realm of Naruto and live the life of a shinobi.
Re: About Naruto: War's Games