Flame Guardian

Joined: Sep 29 2004

Pixel Artist/Programmer


Jun 4 2014, 1:15 pm
I agree... but the bastards forum muted me.
There's a war going on now...

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Medals Flame Guardian can earn in his favorite games, and all games in which Flame Guardian has already earned some medals

[Only favorite games] [Earned medals]



You helped squash bugs in alpha.
All by Myself

As Rogue, win a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As Medical staff, help save a Ninja target. (Unimplemented)
A Win is a Win

You should be ashamed, Bodyguard. (Unimplemented)
Good Judgment

As Judge, win a match by ruling against a villain. (Unimplemented)
Poor Judgment

As Judge, rule against an innocent over a villain. (Unimplemented)
Not So Crazy, After All

As Psycho, kill at least two villains in a single match. (Unimplemented)
Still a Killer

As Agent, trick the FBI into killing two innocents in a single match. (Unimplemented)
Serial Killer

In a single match, kill at least 5 players. (Unimplemented)
See It All Go Down

As Detective, be the last one standing in a 6+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Alone in the Dark

As Ninja, win a 10+ player match as the only surviving Mafia member. (Unimplemented)
First, Do No Karma

As Doctor, survive a 10+ player match by only saving yourself. (Unimplemented)

As Medical staff, save 5+ other players in a single match. (Unimplemented)
I Am the Law

As Deputy, win a 10+ player match while always arresting villains. (Unimplemented)
We All Deserve to Die

Play a 6+ killers-only match in which everyone dies. (Unimplemented)
All for Naught

As Bodyguard, save an innocent who is then immediately voted out. (Unimplemented)
THAT'S What We Pay You For

As Senator, cast the deciding vote against two villains in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Gotta Catch 'Em All!

As Police, successfully investigate every villain in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As non-Medical staff, survive a 10+ player match while being unnecessarily saved 3+ times. (Unimplemented)
Guardian Angel

As Bodyguard, survive a 10+ player match while only protecting innocents. (Unimplemented)
Leading the Witness

As Godfather, fool the Witness and Medical Staff twice in one match. (Unimplemented)
Just Being Petty

Get revenge on your previous killer in the first round. (Unimplemented)
What's up, Doc?

In 6+ player matches, die in the first round, three times in a row. (Unimplemented)
I'm Helping!

As Citizen, vote for a villain in every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As Witness, experience a quiet night for every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Didn't See That One Coming

As Witness, die immediately after witnessing another target. (Unimplemented)

Beware of the WEREDUDE!

Pool Shark

Win a game of pool.

Gone fishin'

Catch something special with your fishing rod.

Elimination Badge

Eliminate all survivors in one round.


Fly Clan

Was Recruited by the Fly Clan

Frog Clan

Was Recruited by the Frog Clan

Spider Clan

Was Recruited by the Spider Clan

Snake Clan

Was Recruited by the Snake Clan

Lizard Clan

Was Recruited by the Snake Clan

Hawk Clan

Was Recruited by the Hawk Clan


Was Recruited by the Eagle Clan


Was Recruited by the Wolf Clan


Was Recruited by the Lynx Clan


Was Recruited by the Hyena Clan

Lion Clan

Was Recruited by the LionClan

Heroes United


Have an active SG Subscription
BYOND Member

Have an active BYOND Membership

A Miner Adventure

Rescue Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Rescue Mode.

Rescue Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Rescue Mode.

Rescue Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Rescue Mode

Rescue Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Rescue Mode.

Water Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Water Mode.

Water Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Water Mode.

Water Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Water Mode.

Water Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Water Mode.

It Happens to Everyone (part 1)

Die from falling damage.

It Happens to Everyone (part 2)

Die in a bomb's explosion.

It Happens to Everyone (part 3)

Killed by an alien.

It Happens to Everyone (part 4)

Drowned. It really does happen to everyone.

Quick Rescue

Win a Rescue Mode game in one minute or less.

Hidden Gem #1

Found the first hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #2

Found the second hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #3

Found the third hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #4

Found the fourth hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #5

Found the fifth hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Underground Adventurer

Completed Adventure Mode (single player, no helpers!)

Medium Roller ($2500)

Earn a total of $2500 in career mode.

High Roller ($7500)

Earn a total of $7500 in career mode.

Highest Roller ($15000)

Earn a total of $15,000 in career mode.

Survival Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Survival Mode.

Casual Quest

Charm of Chanji

Survived to wave 100

Staff of Kyamites

Survived to wave 120

Singing Harp

Survived to wave 140

Bearly Made It


Triple Kill

Kill 3 enemies in quick succession.

Ultra Kill

Kill 4 enemies in quick succession.


Kill 5 enemies without dying.


Kill 10 enemies without dying.

Master of Massacre

Kill 15 enemies without dying.


Win 50 online matches.


Win 100 online matches.

Flag Savior

Return your flag 5 times in one session.

Flag Thief

Capture the enemy flag 5 times in one session.


Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion.


Cause 25 enemies to bleed to death in one session.


Kill 15 people from the grave in one session.


Kill 15 enemies with a headshot in one session.

Money Runner: Will you be the richest?

Penny pincher

Collect one-hundred penny objects throughout the game!

Easily hard

Too easy on hard? Collect enough money to equal 60000 pennies. Hard mode ONLY.

BYOND Operation: Oh Noez

So I herd

Unleash the fury of Mudkipz!


Reach the Rank of Lieutenant

Originality Resumes

Survive Anime!

Over the Edge

Reach the Rank of Overlord

This.. Is.. BYOND!

Win the Last Man Standing event.

How I Shot Web?

Grabbed 200 servings of Ammo in one round