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| Amazing, thank you very much.
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| Akriloth wrote: > you can sign this key up ^:)
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| Dev News #4?? I was looking forward to it.
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| Bleach Eternity -> Celestial Chaos: Eternity >.....saved characters should be able to seamlessly transfer over. This, …
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| Maybe Add a HU2 section? And icons uploaded there are only for you(for hu2).
11 |
| Rod5 wrote: > Thanks, just wanted to show some appriceation, since falacy doesnt get much Nah, you were just buttering …
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| Falacy wrote: > IF ONLY THERE WERE A WAYYYYYYY You used caps O_o Ban for you!
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| Ryuk25 wrote: > You Welcome! For the Membership. Gasp! People buying memberships :o
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| Go to: Documents ---> BYOND ----> cache Delete everything in there and try playing that file now.
5 |
| All in lava cave are empty also o_o
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| Falacy wrote: > Guess what, HU2 has absolutely zero content (unlike BE which has countless hours of it) and pulls in …
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| Fal Nvm it was becuz the icons had some stat so i deleted the stat so now it works
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| Taha123 wrote: > 0.0 > > may Getenks R.I.P Rot In Pieces
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| Sayaotonashis wrote: > xD Lol. Yut is funny..You know all games are anime related? >_> Unless your making a poker table …
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| banned the guy he has more accs and he can change there passes anytime he wants its not just that one acc
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| OMG why is everyone into cows
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| Memberships Just By Asking!!! o_o I want one =D
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| Use bookmarks, that's what i do
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| Night Grave wrote: > immpossible You need to SHUT UP
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| Should Have Been Fool Proof
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| Off Topic: I heard the top 15 benefactors renew memberships =o so umm... I WANT A MEMBERSHIP! :D kthxbai
5 |
| BxS0ldi3R wrote: > hmm,didn't know there were people still out there that liked shit, why not just pick some up after …
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| An Easy To Use Savefile Editor
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| Ssj4justdale wrote: > lol, thanks for being unoriginal >.> Happy? I changed it
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| Underworld Troll wrote: > I doubt this guild or "production" is going to make anything successful. I wouldn't work with …
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| Falacy wrote: > And yes, banned it is. Go pretend to be "mature" somewhere else if you want. Ban Reason: Being Too …
12 |
| Falacy wrote: >I added them because I'm tired of babysitting your chat 24/7. Who asked you to read our chat? Its your …
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| Ilovesocks wrote: > I think he is bu I don't want to get banned but I would like the filter to be changed to. Same
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| lol your the only person that plays this game
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| You should try to make your topics a bit short. No one likes to read big detailed paragraphs, it gets kinda boring
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| Dashawn13 wrote: > How you put pic like the itachi dude as your icon for byond member? ask an expert (like me :D)
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