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| I don't think its reach should have ever extended beyond the Byond Pager. Nonetheless, supported.
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| I'd say #2. I think the text blends with the rest of the picture better than it does in picture #1.
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| Lummox JR wrote: > Fun with acrostics! And then it became clear.
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| Bandock said: >Besides, nobody can be perfect at everything. Indeed. One should be trying to be the best them instead …
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| Shellfisch said: >As for your party system: >Add some synergies. For example if you have a wind-user and a fire-user …
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| Toddab503 wrote: > I'm definitely on board with less right clicking. I might be missing a hot key, but it would also be …
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| Something dawned on me while posting about the nudge bug earlier. Currently, you can only nudge (via the shortcut keys) …
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| SilkWizard said: >As I illustrated above, a person could in fact could do just that for at least a few years. However, …
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| This was prior to the map chunks implementation (a little over a month ago, maybe?); I understand though. Looking …
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| Good post. I just started using tick_usage last night, so this is right on time. Favorited and thanks for sharing.
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| @Ter13: I see. My mom goes through the same thing + [literally] a list of other mental/physical conditions. Blessings …
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| I don't entirely agree, but we can definitely agree to disagree.
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| I like the character customization (it's similar to an idea of my own). Are the base skin tones run-time generated? Do …
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| Kats said: >If a map isn't fun to play in, then it's not a very good map. Either it's provides some kind of enhancement …
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| Two immediate things I feel I'd do differently: proc/GetIcon(s) if (icons["[s]"] null) return icons["[s]"] else return …
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| Nice improvements. Things are looking much better compared to before. Looking forward to seeing how else the game …
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