| Kaiochao wrote: > Images don't need their loc set to null since they don't actually go in their loc's contents. True …
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| I don't understand how my post was unclear when all SSX did was repeat what I said practically verbatim... But …
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| I'm agreeing with both sides. On one hand, I do agree it is primarily the users' responsibility of showcasing the …
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| This post helped me understand the Any macro and its significance. I'll probably redo my controller system to …
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| Heh, I forgot to mention that. The small amount of folks who use the forum aren't going to be too interested in …
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| Yeah, my bad. I didn't mean for the second part of my post to come off like that. (I hadn't touched anything …
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| This guy gets it. Nice post and thanks for sharing.
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| Not feelin' the clear reuse of the Pokemon Z(?) design. Everything else is solid. Best wishes.
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| Story lines and plots: Do we need those?
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| Can you give me an example of a quest line that would reward a stat, say... strength? What would you be doing that …
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| What about something like this: mob/verb/import(f as file as in list(".dm", ".extension2"))
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| Would it be feasible to add a wildcard character for winset() -- the same way winget() works -- that allows one to do …
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