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| username . " has logged in! The current date is: " . date(DATE_CUSTOM_FORMAT, time()); Is there a logical reason why …
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| How do some of you handle keeping an object's icon_state up-to-date? I find myself having to use if more frequently …
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| Anyone know any good sites that offer highly-detailed and objective-oriented written and/or video courses for a wide …
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| Do not pay for any of "Ron Ron"'s (as known on Skype) services. This kid responded to my post looking for a pixel …
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| Is there a fast way to make parts of an icon (or the whole thing) transparent going from GraphicsGale to Dreammaker? …
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| Is it possible to have a hub reassigned to another key, while maintaining fans, medals, and things like that?
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| What base size do you prefer to use or like the most? I'm wondering because I'm using a 32x32 base for this project I'm …
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| So I'm in production of a game with a couple of friends and the topic has came up a couple of times: will the game use …
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| Which system is better? What does PM (Pixel Movement) have over the default? And vice versa? I (..and a couple of …
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| Sup, fellow BYONDers. First off, I'm not entirely sure if I'm posting this in the correct section, so, whether that is …
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| As I posted in the Developer Help section, nudging two objects in Dream Maker that have the same type causes said …
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