| I want this, and I see it in my dreams.
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| You can do this in your own way, but this will never be default behavior (as I think its been asked for many many …
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| I should probably post updated loop that I'm using Here's spawn method: proc/update_loop() //update position if(!loc) …
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| Just so you know, you're not representing BYOND and BYOND isn't representing you (unless they list you, which is why …
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| For big projects, it makes sense to make several smaller projects or libraries that hold more modular code. When you …
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| I just yelled out loud. It was a joyful yell.
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| Thanks for the links, I know of these already. I have read that article and looked at that code many times and for some …
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| Jmurph wrote: > Sounds like one of those randomly generated spam ads that tries to incorporate as many keywords as …
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| I know that. But his point is that "gamers want to make games on little devices like vita" and frankly, I'm just not …
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| +1 if its not hard to add, it is hard to debug / optimize in situations where optimization wasn't considered at first …
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| When you get your game to a finished point, you can apply for an exe code from the staff. When you get an exe code, you …
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| For anyone who searches about this issue, you must also do: chmod +x /usr/local/bin/DreamDaemon
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| Super Saiyan X wrote: > FIREking wrote: > > isnull is in stdef.dm as a define, pretty sure. probably something like …
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| Super Saiyan X wrote: > Everything buffers, whether it buffers as you see it or not. > > My internet is mostly poo, …
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| Victorqr wrote: > C++ is totally my favourite language. > > Also about Unity and Android, should I use Eclipse with …
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| Boxcar wrote: > Hmm, that's strange. I don't want one style for the monsters and another for the player. I'll mess …
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| I still remember when I got my check from Dantom for 200 dollars. :D I had A LOT of BYONDimes.
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| Solomn Architect wrote: > Wow, nice. So how will the transfer look? Will the parent server close and the child server …
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| For video stuff: 1. pay for fraps, its not expensive 2. get handbrake (it can convert fraps videos into …
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| Tag.You.Are.Pregnant wrote: > Also, how do I find out who bought me it? > > Just gonna go ahead and assume it was Teka …
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| ping(client) should use an internal function (not the generic ping you get with most OS because that uses ICMP which is …
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| Initiate the Move option, then use your arrow keys.
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| Don't use the built in icon editor.
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| Jean Sqribe wrote: > P.S: *Rips are setup for rapid re-deployment, making a game from scratch is actually quite a …
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| Noticed recently that setting loc to null (and assuming we've cleared all other references) will allow some atoms to …
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