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| Just FYI, that article is outdated up to a certain build. On recent builds, the make exe option doesn't exist.
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| I'm not sure if the OP understands that icon.PROC calls create a new icon file in the cache. Perhaps the request is …
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| You are right, and I will be taking advantage of the generic auto-update we have. But I do want the first point of …
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| This would also be great for adjusting the fade-ins and fade-outs of pixel art spell effects or screen-faders.
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| Your map-view has no direct setting or user options therefore it will display the map size at whatever size of the last …
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| using startup() to start new instances of daemon is supposed to return the address of the newly started instance, but …
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| Make sure to test by running your game with Daemon and logging in with a separate seeker instance. This is because …
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| Icon's definitely need more functions and features In the meantime, here's some stuff I've put together with help of …
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| I am baffled at how many people ignored darke sabers game
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| I actually just thought you guys weren't aware of that input type. I knew the input limit was probably still an issue.
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| What Bravo1 said! You definitely don't want a loop going per nametag. Instead, you'd want to show and erase the name …
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| MagicMountain wrote: > thank you very much, this is wonderful. > > we're updating space station 13 LLJK's guns to use …
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| Solomn Architect wrote: > MisterPerson wrote: > > The lack of a stack trace is what makes BYOND annoying to work with …
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| its called "npbyond.dll" Anyone want to speculate about it, go digging for more info?
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| Having a built-in fade in and fade out would be nice though, as it currently requires lots of packets.
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| Based on what you've shown, I wouldn't even try the game. We're trying to tell you that the presentation matters and …
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| I personally would write a item delivery scheduler. It would be told what items to deliver to who and when. Then you …
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| Weird stuff ////////////////////////////// ////// mob/Del() return /mob/Del: 0: ret 1: ret …
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| Also, if there was further support for FMOD's ability to handle multi-channel files (which does exactly what I'm trying …
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