| JoltFire wrote: > Can you release the art as free to use assets? No. But I may be willing to sell some of it.
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| @AspireHer0- I agree with you. I am just looking for a bit of financial support from anyone who wants to help …
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| Awesome! Thank you very much.
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| Hey guys! I just want to announce that the first 4 chapters of Transcend are officially up. If you'd like to try them …
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| If you add anything to an existing map, it will cause Dream Maker to crash when you try to compile.
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| Setting an obj's screen_loc to use any of the special keywords: "WEST", "NORTH", etc. Will give you a different result than if you were setting it manually.
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| Sorry to hear this happened... RIP.
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| Syxoul wrote: > Kumorii wrote: > > Outlines and blurs!! OUTLINES AND BLURS!! This truly sounds like awesome news. Thank …
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| I would suggest for 512 features those maptext improvements mentioned in a previous post.
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| Interesting idea. The base is pretty nice too.
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| IchiroKeisuke wrote: > maptext improvements and filters are my two personal favorites on this list. >
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| Lummox JR wrote: > Optimizing maptext with a cache is also on my radar. The webclient does this already, but DS does …
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| Everything looks awesome and best of luck with the fundraising, I honestly think you guys have a good shot at it. With …
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| It's hard to tell what the difference is with the edit aside from shifting the arms up. I would suggest either getting …
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| I noticed while setting it up that it treats the L2 and R2 buttons as the same 'axis 2' button. Controller (Rock Candy …
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| Umm... Wow. You have really taken it to a new level with your latest work friend. Nice job, this last one is my new …
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| This is pretty cool stuff, I love the vector look to these. Is this for a game on BYOND?
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| Pixelcomet wrote: > It might just need a little adjusting to and have some finer details added that breaks up the …
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| That's phenomenal work fellas but you may want to be careful, if that huge boss is going to be animated you may be …
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| Congrats that is awesome news for everyone here. Hopefully my game 'Transcend' will join you guys soon!
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| You have awesome potential but you need to read up a little on pixel art. If this wasn't pillow shaded it would be …
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| So jealous... Beautiful beautiful beautiful!
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| That video was sick, the dialogue interface was pretty refreshing too. You guys have a great great artist on your …
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| I meant in the posts themselves, instead of having someone point it out every time. But it's okay it doesn't matter …
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| This is looking really impressive. I would imagine overlays would be a pain in the butt but you guys seem to be …
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| I didn't mean anything by it, sorry if it came off wrong. I just really liked it.
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| Nothing but good news. I'm not too sure what the config feature would do but keep up the good work.
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| That mountain is phenomenal...
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| :o my mouth dropped... Is your artist for sale? This is exactly what I had in mind for the art style in Transcend. This …
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| These two are your best by far for your style of art. And they're both really really good...
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| Awesome job once again! I'm really digging the environment work your artist is doing; the attacks were pretty cool too …
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| Pixelcomet wrote: > I'll be honest I was inspired by transcend's color pallete! I couldn't for the life of me remember …
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| This is looking honestly awesome; keep up the good work.
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| Haha this is great. Well done Higoten and a merry Christmas to everyone.
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| I wouldn't mind being part of something like this. At the very least it could help with motivation.
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Feb 7 2018, 3:34 am