Espektra's Favorite Games
All Of the Universe Have Merged. Which will stand at the top? JOIN OR DISCORD:https://discord.gg/p9Yj7c
New Game Mode: Battle Arena, and Free to play steam period!
A 2D Bleach MMORPG Sandbox! Português & English Supported In Game, discord and game updated Daily! bleach anime naruto ...
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/JtfrNjT -- A sandbox action RPG with lots of customization!
The game you've hoped for.. Ninjas and Shinobis in a huge world filled with adventure. Losely based on Naruto.
This is a roleplaying game inspired by Generations.
Lotus Wars Features an expansive world with hundreds of player-driven choices that can change anything from their own ...
A persistent sandbox fantasy world. https://discord.gg/meranthe
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
"The moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate." - naruto boruto
A classic Naruto game with lots of new original jutsu icons, daily events, stable community/player base, manga-based ...
2021 WE HAVE MOVED: http://www.byond.com/games/LordEspada/SoulSociety
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