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| I'll quote from Faust I (Goethe): "Habe nun, ach! Philosophie, Juristerei und Medizin, Und leider auch Theologie! …
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| You're right. The browser locked up for me as well, though only for ~1-2 seconds. (Can't use a clock while trying to …
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| Every Oldbie was once a Newbie :p
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| Congratulations to your new membership ;)
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| Oh, btw, for such a sort of guild it would be neat to have a feature in your pager that allows you to see people of …
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| You should think about useing your blog to keep people up to date with your project and it's progress. Like this it …
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| I have to say from what I saw from your posts (not only on this blog but as well on others) so far you seem to be a …
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| Interressting attmept Elation :) Oh and Lord of light, I never said I wouldn't play, lol!
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| Hehe, thanks for the welcome and don't worry, I was a GM in a semi big commercial online RPG (~100000 players online) …
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