Joined: Mar 30 2009

ELANIT's Favorite Games

by Devourer Of Souls | Jun 29 2004
Tags: anime
An online, manual version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG.
[PvP & RP Servers] Explore this expansive recreation of the Ninja World. Endless timeline, immense environment with vast ...
by Enemihay | Jan 12 2008
New order New Name Black Uchiha Is Now Nemo Kanatana!!!---(on test server GM INSTANT) Back to base srce V1!!!
by 318812401 | Sep 14 2009
Some Tailed-Beasts had escape and wandering everyway. Can you stop them before they destroy your hometown? Do you have ...
200+ Jutsu that you can combine to make your own jutsu’s. Sub clan system to get 1/2 of another clan’s jutsu. Tons of ...
Uma nova equipe retomou o projeto, aos poucos o jogo está sendo atualizado.
by Stego | May 4 2006
Tags: anime
v.4 is being hosted for a test run.
The game is in for a big update, I'm finally back on BYOND and ready to get this up
by Calilber | Dec 8 2010
Another GOA rip/looking for a 24/7 host
by Louisthe10 | May 19 2008
Tags: anime
Well its coming back, however once completed its going to be as is just for the fans.
by SolarOblivion | Jul 16 2008
Tags: anime
The one, the only, the original, Naruto Eternity! With detailed icons, revolutionary systems, and anime-realistic ...
by Ravenx465 | Feb 18 2009
A new and unique Naruto game with many features many games on BYOND cannot offer.
The destiny is yours...
by The x121 | Mar 18 2008
new game come and play
by Weston-q | Dec 23 2010
by Krimkiller | Oct 19 2008
If you have any questions about the games updates just ask Krim,
fast leveling naruto game
The Hangout for Naruto fans! Come and join the party!
by Klogaum | Nov 18 2014
Jogo brasileiro - Favorite para receber notificacoes - Bom up
The Orginal NNG Brought back on a 24/7 server ! Active Playerbase and constant updates based on player suggestions.
A long standing Byond game, continually updated, that progresses alongside the series. Challenge the world of Ninjas, ...
Offically the new awesomest most naruto game in byond History! Must play!!
This game was made by Tyras(New Kid in the Block) Im just co owner
by Corz1991 | Sep 15 2007
by Sindeas | Apr 2 2011
Tags: adventure, ninja, pvp
Naruto Shinobi Warriors, a Byond Classic started with Izou, passed down from Ghost-Nin, to Sindeas, to Shinobi the ...
by Lalapuff99 | Jul 21 2010
A fun naruto based RPG
by Gato547 | Jun 12 2008
Naruto Game All Kage Spot Open
Naruto: The Final Battle 3.0 Coming Soon!
by Dayvon64 | Mar 18 2020
New Mission System - New Senjutsu System - New Kekkei Genkai System - New MS System - New Map
updating need iconners/translator
more info in the hub
Little to no lag, recoded and freshly balanced
by Robi445 | Oct 18 2010
The game rocks super nice peepz and more good staff
2023 Edition - Random Villages gone. Slowly working toward a 1.0 version remake*
by Hinashou | Feb 12 2016
Relive nostalgic moments with catchable monsters!
by Alexander08 | Jun 4 2015
Tags: anime, pvp, rpg
A Pokemon that does not use the traditional battle style. Explore the new of Joleon today.

ELANIT's Favorite People