| Who were the people's byond keys?
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| Lummox JR wrote: > PopLava wrote: > > Wondering if Lummox has considered using Patreon!? He would likely do very well …
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| File a claim against the transaction with your bank?
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| Impressive. I hope that didn't actually cost "millions" though.. lmao
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| Hey, I wanted to use this for friendly play with my friends. Is there any way you can fix the link?
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| I think the point is that this is a high priority 'want'. Get on it.
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| Unwanted4Murder wrote: > I'm Unwanted4Murder on Steam, I think. The only game I have is Streets of Rogue. Friend …
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| Brutal honesty - It looks like you didn't market the game close to at all, kickstarters are successful when you have a …
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| Seeing IT this weekend too, looks so good!
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| Apparently marketing isn't an option. BYOND isn't complete enough. *obvious sarcasm*
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| Mickemoose wrote: > Dubious Game Studios wrote: > > Mickemoose wrote: > > > Professionalism has no place in game …
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| That's the only logical route for experience gain? Don't tell me how to dev >:(!
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| Hello everyone! One of our current projects, Sparrow's Odd Adventure, is going to be needing QA Testers soon. Please …
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| Hello everyone! We will soon need QA testers, if anyone is interested and feels they're available enough to test our …
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| vi·o·lence noun behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
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| Gonna have to agree with codegod5000, block and ignore them.
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| Dubious Game Studios is a small indie game development team that was founded on January 1st, 2017.
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| I know this wouldn't be a priority, however, I think someone should dedicate time to cleaning up the libs section …
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| Lol. This is demeaning to people who actually put effort into understanding computer science and aspire to be …
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| This is fucking insane... I talked with him daily about game dev and he's inspired some of my ideas for my current …
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| I'm also interested in more 4k support, my laptop is 4k using dream maker with it is obnoxious sometimes.
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| Don't you guys have games to develop?
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| I'd take the advice and drop it, messing around with C&D is surely not going to go in your favor unless you take out …
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| It got taken down due to C&D. Intellectual property and all.
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| Reminds me of an old MUD my mom used to play, cool interface too! Good luck with this!
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| I may or may not get a membership soon!
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| Not the checkmate you want, my guy.
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| Kozuma wanted to post this.
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| Maybe in the future, in the process of building my PC as I do not currently have one at home.
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| Kozuma3 wrote: > Screw the ads, The IDE needs a compile to EXE option.
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| I think the engine is fine as in the direction it's heading is the right direction. I also think that the website could …
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| This whole post should be locked/deleted. It's a review, read it and if you don't like it ignore it. @Owner/Developer …
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