Performing icon operations failed to load big icons properly when reusing entries in the memory cache.
BYOND Version:470
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Basic 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 3.5.6
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (471)

This issue has been resolved.
Duplicates:id:87704, id:94325, id:86250
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Last Robot Standing has display issues (again). Some objects (including robots, turrets, oil, power supplies, etc.) are invisible (can't find a common denominator though, as some are still visible). Superheated Walls and Annihilated Walls have their visual effect extended by one tile too much and do not correctly match the images.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
  1. Join Last Robot Standing
  2. Start a game

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
Most unfortunately, not available to me.

Expected Results:
Correctly displayed graphics

Actual Results:
Wrong located, aligned and partly invisible objects.

The problem occurs:
Every time
Just in this game, but given that it used to 'work' properly in earlier BYOND releases, the issue should be found with an update.
In other user accounts - Everybody joining seems to witness the same issues
On other computers - Everybody joining seems to witness the same issues

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

Most unfortunately, I can not nail it down to a concrete BYOND version, but the problem was reported to have been existing for a fair bit of time according to Kuraudo.

BYOND version 433.1009 is the earliest version that still allows connection to LRS, though the icons are still messed up. The last I remember them working properly was back when I used 355 to play.

If the info helps, wonderful.

Edit: Also, when I attempted to play using 471, the icons were still messed up. It's possibly/probably an issue with the game itself not getting updated.

Another edit: The "host" updated to 471, and it seems fixed now. Thanks for the fix!
I updated the server with the new BYOND (471) so this should work properly. Let us know if that isn't the case.
Works like a charm, thank you.
I thought the issue was client sided (within Dream Seeker), though?
Crap, I forgot to change the notation on this report earlier, so I should redo the 471 release notes at some point. This was definitely an issue with the server, not the client.
Ah, so this was the bug I spent 3+ hours yesterday attempting to diagnose/work around.