P.S. I know this is long, and changes subjects; but base with me please, this is about the community actually working together not just some small game i've made.
Since i've got this new badass design of a computer meant to play Battlefield 3 and Skyrim; I can now push BYOND to it's limits without horrificly lagging on games like Decadence/SS13.I've lost all my progress on a design that couldn't have worked on my old computer so I want to create it now.
The design is based on the game; Earth and Beyond, EVE, Star Wars Battlefront 2 etc.(All focusing on the space aspect of the game). I want to create completely realistic(in sci-fi terms) a space ship. While operating this ship you have an outside, zoomed out view, of space, planets, stars and the other ships. Therefore you can move it aroundwith feux-realistic movement, being pixel-based. Though unmounting from your position you "Zoom-in" back into the inside of your space ship at a human perspective. This would allow you to see realistic damage. For ex: You hit a meteorite and a hole rips open a part of your ship so you dismount it and go inside your ship to fix it.You'd be able to create and destroy all objects just like SS13, so you'd have the ability to customize your ship and eve sabotoge other ones(Ex: Cutting the electricity, or the braking thrusters which could result in a crash).
Since you'd have a very vast mechanics to work with; there would be single-piloted fighter/scout ships, gigantic carrier ones or even space stations the size of planets. I understand the lag that would coincide with all this going on so I think the "galaxy" would be split into sectors and entering different ones would log you into the server specified for that sector. If servers get too laggy there could be a system of emergency alerts that require players to move to the less inhabited ones.
This type of MMORPG would be perfect for BYOND's advantages and disadvantages and use them in it's favor. And I believe if this project were to be made it could bring in a huge client-base that i'd say BYOND needs. After ~4-1/2 years of working solely bymyself on this, then having my work all wiped, i've realized that I could never finish my dream on my own. So that's why i'm posting here in Design Philosophy to see what the community thinks of it. And most of all if anyone agrees with this design, or even would like to help(I will post my information at the end). I won't give up on this. So please; post, comment, critize and contribute!
I'm thinking of having a very futuristic 'Elder Scrolls'('Morrowind', 'Oblivion', 'Skyrim' etc.)+'GTA'('III, San Andreas, IV') type of AI community. Because obviously the game won't automaticly be run by player who all join at once. Every original job will be filled by AI whose Productive() actions will be to run the job in the standard way. While All of the NPC's Also will have a modular operation they run by, sleeping, interacting, doing things players would do etc. But their difference will be in their Productive() and Personality() fuctions; this means that they will try and act as humanly as possible. They won't just stand still or circle a patrol. Cops will patrol the sky, find random criminal AI get in fights, have to come back into repairs. Though humans always can rain over the AI the same way they do in 'Oblivion'. Though like in 'GTA' if you completely disregard the rules the AI(Players included) will stop you whatever means neccisary.
I think this type of idea is perfect for, and will work perfect in BYOND. It just needs alot of effort and it could easily be the top game on BYOND. Which we could then advertise all over the web, bring in tons of members(Like MySpace/facebook with Mafia). Which in turn would have the potential to make alot more money; subscriptions could be implemented(Not gay monthly one like 'WoW'). And all the potential profits would be distributed to the team who help make this game faily of course(By a percentage of Quality&Quantity) of work contributed); Also no doubt BYOND would get a bonus for creating the platform we chose to work on. And I truly believe this game could be one that shows off BYOND: Like Halo: Combat Evolved to Xbox.
I really understand this message is saying a lot, especially by myself. But after being on BYOND for half a decade i've gotten to know all of this sites greatess; and personally know that nothing of this scale has ever done before. Think about a game created that defines BYOND by it's greatest and most dedicated members. With this project finished we will make a name for ourselves in the gaming map. BYOND is struggling and it needs a response from all us dedicated members, so please let this be it and not just use BYOND to troll, rip shitty Naruto games and troll some more. Let's make a name for ourselves. Let's make a game for ourselves that will get past this websites walls and attract players from all over the internet. This could possibly put us in the big leagues with all of the other MMORPG's; then players' will check out the rest of the games and realize this is one of the simplest and most awesome game maker program on the internet. While will get the word out and we'll have lots of new amazing games being made here.
Well if any of this means anything to you,
my key is: Bakasensei
AIM: BadlyDrawnSmily
Memnership: http://www.byond.com/members/Bakasensei
--> I started a baseline topic there just like this one here so we can just talk about the idea of anything like it. I just feel this needs to be done to put BYOND in the light with all the new 3d next-gen games comming out; this can start our own 2d revolution!!!
P.S. Invitations to join this project are open to anyone. I want this to be a project by BYOND to show BYOND off to everyone(Say your only good at drawing hair, well your our hair artist!) And everyone can participate; making a website, forums, graphics for the hub, helping with graphics designs, storyboards etc. I just hope the greats of BYOND will come and help me and BYOND with this and create a new fun MMORPG for kids and adults in households everywhere to play. If done perfectly we could have an "XBOX Live Arcade" version, or even a transfer to consoles like "3dS", "Play Station Network", and even apple products, "iPhone, "iPod", "iPad" etc.
I am completely getting ahead of myself, but don't patronize me for my ambition, that, well this is what starts great things. Thank you all so very much for reading.
![]() Dec 9 2011, 6:14 am
I had been working on a similar kind of game (screenshot, blog post) but I couldn't figure out what would make the game fun. I liked the idea of being able to build your own space ship, but I don't know what you'd do with the ship that would make it interesting.
Outer space is pretty big and with a BYOND server that could only support 50-100 people comfortably, playing up the MMO- side doesn't seem worthwhile. The world will either feel empty or small. If you make the gameplay centered around a small group of people you don't need 50 players to make it fun. Each player could host their own game and have their friends join their server to be part of their crew. You wouldn't need to have everyone together in a giant world. |
Omg thank you FM I have the idea of the actual gameplay written up, here i'll page you and maybe we can get on AIM
Forget I made this post. Forum_Account got what I meant. I really just wanted a team that could support me into making the game I described, i'm very sorry. Ambien does insane things when you don't sleep; i've seen people who aren't there, talked to people thru there pictures on facebook. Anyways yeah I just wanted a team of my equals or greater to help make this type of game
Yeah I got that, but this creates the perfect opportunity; I have the whole game design written up on how it should be played on BYOND on how to make it fun and what to do, while you have nearly the same project without the design. My design would be an RPG-Action(Also the same game could be converted into an MMORPG, so you'd make 2 games in one for people who like to play the different styles; like SS13). I'll show you summaries of the 2 so I don't give everything away here, but honestly i'm a fan of your works and it'd be awesome to work with you.
RPG-Action: You design your character, pick his race(Which picks his location{The setting would be a galaxy; the maps would be Space Stations and Planets} places are both segregated and integrated. So integrated races have a choice of there location. (Optional Idea:) Then you pick a class which decides what type of character you will be(Think like TF2). This is basicly your job though you have your own statistics(Ex: Morrowind{I use other games as examples not to copy but so you understand} which can be upgraded). You constantly want to build your Empire bigger, but for this you need resources; so you will harvest: Gasses, Greens, Carbons, Materials, Natural Resources; Water, Sun and wind; etc. Eventually you will need to fight other empires for resources, land and power. This is will some classes like soldier, sniper, medic, spy, pilot etc come into play. And your resources to build vehicles and bunkers to hold down positions. If you die a medic can revive you for up to ~5 or ~10 seconds after you die, then you have to wait ~15-~45 seconds to respond depending on how well you did. Fighting will be squad based. and space fighting will be intense, different ships, light fighter ships, slow-medium ships with missles&blaster, or pods that go insanely fast but are one seaters and just have 1 blaster for boarding ships. Also Destroyers that could have a full squad 1 to fly and shoot the main blaster, 2 on the turrets, 1 on the specialized weapons, and up to 5 on the inside to repair and be ready to jump out when boarding the enemy station/planet. This is the normal goal of the game, sort of like a player and AI based Command&Conquer. --> Though you also have so-called Secondary Goals, the map is of only this one Galaxy(Maybe the name of the game). Alien races/robotics will try and invade your galaxy; they will be harvesters, scouts, conquers of land, or destroyers. You will need to take them out. Empires could be wise and work together to do this, even make allies. These different alien races can range from being so weak you don't even notice them to having a metaphorical "Death Star". --> Finally, your goal is to survive. There are tons of natural disasters. |||On land: Earthquakes, (Dry) Lightning, Meteor/Comet Strikes, Interstellar Attacks, F5 Tornadoes, F5 Storms, Tsunamis(Caused by above Disasters, or itself), Volcanoes, All Possible Space Disasters, etc. |||In Space: No Oxygen, Explosions, Viruses, Flooding, No Supplies, Terminally Crashing,ventilation Poisoned, Self-Destruct, Terminal Computer Viruses, Contagion, All Possible Land Disasters, etc. So the main objective is to survive, expand, conquer, harvest, destroy and win! |
Group A: Design
--This group does the design, storyboard of the game, what it's about what you do, how it's gonna run etc. They will be filled with mostly design artist, but some decent pixel artist and programmers too. This way they can draw out and code what they agree about. And repeat that process till we have at least a 51%/49% agreement that this is what we want.
Group B: Art
--This is the group of artists. I personally believe a game is only as good as it's style is, no matter how good some of the art is; if even a quarter of it is in a different style it doesn't match up and looks bad.
--That's what all the artists will choose their specialapties; like making the human base, then making the bases animations, then making the clothes, then making the acessories. Then next would be making the enviorment like turfs, then making the active enviorments like water(falls), dust, then making enviorment objects; trees, bushes,rocks etc. Btw there doesn't have to be one person for each thing i'm just saying.
Oh and i'm and experienced programmer, pixel artists and music/graphics/game designer