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| Silent Bob The Lunchbox wrote: > If they make a live-action Dragonball movie, I'm going to go to that movie, pull out a …
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| Lucas Gates wrote: > Here is a list of DBZ games on byond that should delete themselves. > 1.DragonBall Epic Online > …
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| Branks wrote: > Hmmm, if you got it on emulator, wanna battle our megamans? i can give you items too adn zenny :-D > > …
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| Swordsman Zion wrote: > Does tae kwon do really help you ? i think not. i believe tae kwon do and kung fu are evil …
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| Swordsman Zion wrote: > basically. you see, java is a better programming language then c++. it's no use to learn that …
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| Branks wrote: > Do you ever have those bad dreams where you cant talk when you have to scream? its jsut silent. > > or …
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| Daemon5532 wrote: > What the heck?? I go to the hub and I see 2 original games and like 15 DBZ games... This is getting …
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| I know that DBZers are looked down upon. However, I would like to know: what is the reason? I mean, I've been noticing …
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| Punkrock546 wrote: > I was wondering what some people do when they work on a game or are on dreamseeker? I watch TV or …
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| Kamoku wrote: > Ok, I would appriciate it if someone would tell me how they post code on the message board. I'm not …
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