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| Your father leaves to defeat the evil Archfiend, but is lost. Many years later when you come of age, you set out in his …
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| The long enjoyed peace has come to an end. Travel the world as you fight back the darkness in Dragon Quest Hero's …
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| I can't find a site that works with Byond. Research has gotten me nowhere. I don't want to get a year subscription to …
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| Travel through Transylvania to defeat Count Dracula
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| War of the Magi has taken quite a bit of turns over the last couple years. Each time getting better and better. Now it …
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| Now I am the 99% (as far as Byond Devs go). I have nothing to show at all. Only difference is I'm not showing off …
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| Due to many factors: My hours at work are heavy and will remain that way till after Christmas, working on the project …
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| I decided to go with the path of not selecting your class. Lots of RPGs, especially Byond ones, tend to use a straight …
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| Still no update yet as I want the next update to be huge. Here are some things being planned. -New character …
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| I have been doing lots of work lately and have not been home much. As little work gets done on wotm because of this the …
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| I have been doing lots of work lately and have not been home much. As little work gets done on wotm because of this the …
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| Be nice to remove a set of scores. You can remove medals but not scores, so if they are set they will remain on the …
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| War of the Magi is now a week old and growing. Many big and exciting things planned for it's future.
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| Though having the game only playable in a party up to approx character level 17 the game has a good amount to offer for …
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| Today the demo is out for WotM. This will be the only public release of the game for download. There are a total of …
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| I managed to come up with a good base for making mobs and did this sheet right after. Still working more ideas to allow …
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| http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Tw8v1QEYAM8 Here is the first game play of WotM as an original game. Not everything is …
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| I just got a drawing pad and here are some of my first monsters I made with it. New pictures:
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| I did some graphic work myself and here is the result.
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| As those that knew I have been reworking my project to stand on it's own as an original game. While graphic progress …
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| Got a new character development system done. Of course there are a few kinks and balance issues to pan out and perhaps …
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| First off I am looking for a graphic artist. Money can be involved, though I am on a serious budget atm and can't dish …
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| Well with the changes on Byond I have dropped any project that is a fan game. SoE2, DWHD, WotM. I was focusing on …
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| Well the game won't just have a IP removal. The new graphics I been messing with and having new ideas has greatly …
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| After getting a few break throughs with music and mob icons War of the Magi's system is going through a change and …
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| WotM has proven to be a major issue for me. The lack of help has finally killed my interest in this project. That is …
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| Because debugging has removed all major issues and the game play has been balanced WotM has been ready for play. Still …
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| I will be putting together a single player version of the latest version of the game for players. This will be out …
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| We have seen many changes lately and a lot of people missing the point of rips and fan games. Rips are bad, no further …
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| Alot of changes have been made to War of the Magi. After doing some tests the monster scale system was not the best …
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| Testing has started today. The server will be on the hub but only those on the tester list may log in. If interested in …
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| Version 3 has seen many improvements to the core system and even more new ideas for a byond game. These ideas are still …
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| It seems the new Byond site has misslabled Dragon Warrior: Shadows of Erdrick. The game is almost complete. It is not a …
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| Here is a production message about the game. As the main version peeks around the corner, we are making a ton of …
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| As I no longer develop Dragon Warrior games for byond, I have changed this guild over to suite my new project. Probably …
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| I set up a home network recently. I hosted a game on one computer and logged into the game on that computer. Had a …
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| If you are on Dream Seeker and for any reason you are disconnected from the game server, you should be able to hit one …
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| So far we have normal 100% and a 50% zoom size. Great for looking out over large areas. Now if we could look closer. I …
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| I am suggesting a proc for putting a list in alphabetical order. Objects would be ordered by their name. Numbers will …
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| One way I thought about doing pixel movement was to change the main grid to the game. Leaving icons at 32x32 but having …
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| Copied from BYOND Features forum by Airjoe We have html_encode that helps us remove stuff like font tags from chat …
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Dec 11 2012, 9:51 am