| I for one-water world our welcome future.
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| A big problem with this right now is how antialiasing messess with the pixel quality. You can use matrix manipulation …
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| How do you find the middlepoint value between two set values? Why should I care? Math sucks!
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| I generally just use the Google C++ convention. Not all of it applies to BYOND, but the general ideas are still …
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| Ter13 wrote: > Nicholas wanted in on this. > > All hail the one true god.
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| Flame Sage wrote: > No idea what an onion skin is. > Could you expand on this? …
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| Why present an ultimatum? Do what you think is best; personally I'd enjoy a mixture of both. I'm a huge fan of …
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| I find a lot of the people that seem to be developing the games that are the most popular on BYOND (on both the hub, …
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| You don't need your server listed on the hub to have a decent amount of players.
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| Keep in mind not everyone is working with RPGMaker graphics, so some of the things shown in your second post simply …
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| Notice how I said "pretty okay" too and not "THEY ARE LITERALLY JESUS CHRIST" :P Still, you run a good service, so …
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| BYOND needs games that appeal to people outside of BYOND, rather than people within BYOND, simple as that. There's …
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| The DM icon editor works with 0 - 255 so that method would probably be the most intuitive for the majority of …
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| What the following code does is take two directions and determines the next best direction from the first to the …
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| Fuck the man! Power to the people! GUN RIGHTS! Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw!
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| I have this same issue. The BYOND pager takes up an insane amount of processing power.
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| I love how the women are just men with bigger tits.
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| Best vidya ever. Should've won first place!
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| I'm willing to give D4RK3 prize money equivalent to what he would have gotten if he wants. (Just PM me or send an email …
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| Some official results would be nice, even if everything I've seen is leaning toward Freeside being the winner.
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| To add onto my own flick() suggestions, it would make things easier if there was some way to make flick() act as a …
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| I wrote a similar thing in C++ not too long ago: std::vector Helper::Explode(char separator, std::string str) { …
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| Exactly why you don't have barbie ads on a hardcore roguelike gaming website, but perhaps you'd have the latest gamer …
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| Awesome! You should consider setting up a permanent server, as whenever I've wanted to play there's never been a server …
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| The problem with constraining Eternia's viewport to a maximum size is a combination of both player unpopularity, and …
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| I've reduced the bounding boxes considerably, so moving through doors should be much easier.
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| I have an idea: have the two competitions, choose the best from both, put them together and determine which are first, …
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| I haven't found a good reason to stick to using the default Git bash over a GUI like Tortoise Git, which handles a lot …
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| This. We have support for differentiating between right, middle, left mousepresses, but the scroll wheel would be a …
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| Here's an amazing story idea: You are a guy. You are a gay guy. Your mission is to collect the 20 lost dildo swords and …
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| He's asking for help, but... he's not specifying what he needs help with. That's not very helpful.
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Sep 21 2015, 8:00 am