| This is almost as big as the introduction of animate() itself. Well done!
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| I took Popisfizzy's advice and split my world map into two: political and geographic. Here is the result: I've also …
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| So many scandals going on, my head is abuzz.
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| Some men ain't got time to let long-term girls drag 'em down. Life is a race, And there can only be one #1.
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| I have never had to differentiate or integrate anything when it comes to programming.
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| Couldn't you just do: pkill DreamDaemon
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| We are but worms compared to Ter13
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| My meme corner thread sure is kicking off!
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| Yut Put wrote: > also pls stop being fuccbois and acknowledge that this is an opinion post and that attacking everyone …
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| The mic cost $200 and it's now broken because he dropped it. Way to go.
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| paint.net offers what you're looking for.
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| That wouldn't be very practical considering we live in different countries.
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| This person has no idea what they're talking about, sorry.
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| Avidanimefan wrote: > Webclient this, webclient that-but there's literally 0 support for it and very little …
23 |
| What's a timezone What's a second help
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Sep 21 2015, 8:00 am