| That looks awesome. Nice work :D
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| I definitely vote for #2, but I still don't know whether or not it'd be more suited for 2d or 3d. :D
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| I also agree that'd be pretty cool indeed.
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| Your best bet is to use the support form (which I can't seem to find, but I think it's this).
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| "The classes aren't such a big deal after the beginning but they will pretty much determine you'll play at first." Why …
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| I'd love to get bought out by Square Enix. I think that'd make my life, right there.
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| Preferably as an option, but I agree.
4 |
| [youtube]:youtubevideoid ..without the []
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| Kitchen TD. You can have a bunch of simplistic art (fridge, toaster, etc), and just "upgrade" those. I could elaborate …
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| I think this might be better suited to a blog post with an actual poll. On topic, I prefer WASD when a game is more …
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| A document, perhaps like this? And I'm not sure what all kinda of forums would be necessary, aside a "discussion" one …
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| Me. I was his accomplices. Plural. Because I rock.
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| Falacy wrote: > Because its much more complicated for them to implement it into the compiler than it is to write a …
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| Rogue is actually a dungeon crawler.
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| The peoples republic of china wrote: > The Saloon. > > It's terrible. Mikau is in charge. > > That should give you a …
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| I have a similar situation, and I've been unsure of what to do, so I kinda just left it where it lay.
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| If you have access to php, you can use GeSHi.
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| As nice as it may be, it just won't happen. If you want more reasons, feel free to search for relevant terms.
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| Oooooh, you're making a procedural generation library? I don't remember hearing about that, but I'm definitely looking …
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| Two things: No one wants to sort through all that code. Why not test it (hint, you can load DreamDaemon up and log two …
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| I've never personally bought a refurbished monitor (or much of anything refurbished, sorry), but if you're interested …
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| Devil's advocate: Who's saying a paladin is the highest in warrior-dom? You may want to consider realistic definitions …
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| For the inbetween, I don't think the red is vivid enough. That's just my bias that most of my textbooks with colored …
3 |
| Awww.. I don't think I've ever had that problem with chrome, just for safety, I entered text into this, hit back, then …
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| Or maybe give a default option for a sort.
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| Yusuke13 wrote: > I like pie alot This is legitimately a password for something I've used before. It makes me lul that …
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| C_Dawg_S wrote: > I feel kind of bad for DT right now. He doesn't get to be in on our jokes. :( Even if it's part of …
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| Well, I guess the next best thing you could do is look at Stephen001's EventScheduler library. It lets you queue events …
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| He's been telling me about this project for ages, so I say do it! I've been waiting. :P
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| I'm aware of EDGE_PERSPECTIVE, but I believe somewhere in that thread I note it's not a perfect solution -- when you …
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| Man, I knew it was Shakira.
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| Update: fixed readability.
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| I wrote a blog post on this quite some time ago, perhaps this would be of use to you.
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| This would completely remove the point of redesigning a website.
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| Warlord Fred wrote: > People who use it should be smart enough not to delete the main window. In any case, that would …
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| I would hope that with this would come tabbed DM files, and things of that nature. It probably won't happen, to be …
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| That's an incredible improvement over the previous UI. Nice work!
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| It just seemed a bit off to me, because when I thought New() I thought of the first instantiation exclusively.
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Dec 29 2018, 10:19 am
It's a lot different, but it's still p fun.