| Not bright-yellow enough.
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| Very nice. This'll help those space-conservative people, as well as those who experience "rolling back." Thanks for the …
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| I feel decieved. You are very mean, mister mean person.
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| #define isclient(x) istype(x,/client) Because I'm so irritated with having to check if(m.client) for whatever reason.
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| Adjustable maximum values for bars would be awesome. For those of us who prefer a straight number as opposed to a …
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| I released it about 5 minutes after I made the blog post. I'll update that, thanks. /slipful of mind
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| The source to my clay project.
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| A chemistry project that demonstrates some of 430's possiblities!
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| That's just to deminstrate, since I can't explain now. Also, this isn't the only thing it'd be useful for (come to …
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| Teen Goku 17 wrote: > DivineTraveller wrote: > > Give it to me so I have a reason to stay around byond and finish my …
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| Duelmaster409 wrote: > Looking at encyclopediadramatica is a good way to reduce stress. Fixed.
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| I was reading that. First thought - notalwaysright.
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| yammen, I've never seen him on byond, and unless you mentioned him, I don't know who he is. he probably would never use …
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| It would be a nice addition, cutting out that extra step of going back and picking a new one. Plus, it would allow you …
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| Witchery. Burn him at the stake!
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| SuperAntx wrote: > Crystal was the best. > > Color graphics, day/night clock, berries, Johto (Gold/Silver) AND Kanto …
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| Yash 69 wrote: > When being banned from a game with Dream Deamon ban, it says connection failed. Which defeats the …
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| My CSS is a bit different now. I added a shameless plug, and I moved all the boxes around, and I changed it all, and …
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| score-dizzle. Thanks for reminding me!
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| Except all the current defense games either suck or aren't customizable. Gold guardians and castle, respectively.
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| SuperAntx wrote: > [...] > > YOU HAVE ALL BEEN HAD! Your mother.
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| Jtgibson wrote: > [...] > A hard copy DM reference, while we're at it, would also garner some good interest. It'd also …
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| if you release it now, people will just tell you what you already are adding. wait.
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| oh. yeah, they're more readable. I thought you meant the blog post. <_<
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| well hey there nish. or maggeh. [insert sucking up comment here] -- but in seriousness, if you do, cool :D
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| doing it at 3 am after getting shit for sleep the previous night.
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| They seem to be all over the place with this sortof crap. I guess one can only hope and pray, eh?
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| Kakashi24142 wrote: > That'll be something to look forward to. I was thinking of that too since interface inputs would …
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| Alright, thanks for the feedback Lummox. I hope it comes along sometime, anyway.
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| Opop1 wrote: > wow another tough guy if you have such a problem with my spelling why do you bother to waste your breath …
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| Doubtful such a thing would ever pass anyway.
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| He just can't deal with the mudkipz. He is non-believer. KILL NONBELIEVER!
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| I also support this idea, but for now will check into Karuados workaround. (Thanks for that, by the way!)
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| Haywire wrote: > Hello, I believe that I deserve a membership for two specific reasons, one being that I am a …
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| healer healer healer. anything that specializes in healing. or maybe a damage dealer with some healing abilities …
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| Moleboy wrote: > /\/\enzu... > > Well...you can't really make an MMORPG on BYOND...it just DOESN'T HAPPEN...get 500 …
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| eh, I sucked it up for a few months and just did it that way. if need be, talk to a school tech to get it installed …
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| First part seconded. Second part denied.
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Dec 29 2018, 10:19 am
It's a lot different, but it's still p fun.