| It's not much of a mystery if you just told us what's in it. >_>
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| Congratulations, you have reached level 2! You gained 1 int! You gained 1 sta! You've learned the skill! /final …
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| Kaiochao wrote: Makes all selected buttons(or probably any other control) have the same style(appearance, font, colors) …
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| Fixed. I don't know why it was 404'ing, but it doesn't anymore.
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| comment deleting for the win, mayte.
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| I think he's going for a more "RPG-action"ish setting, so I don't see why it wouldn't work, and I think it would be …
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| This post is not related to the below 4 in any way.
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| Riku 123q wrote: > This poll which was originated from my page is dumb especcialy because you highly suck at …
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| A looks like a moogle.. I <3 FF
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| Trosh Kubyo wrote: > A monk is not the same as a cleric. A cleric is going to be trainedin healing spells and the like, …
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| Yeah, that's how it's set currently.
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| A post for all the good sirs and madams out there.
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| Trosh Kubyo wrote: > Its pretty simple, humanoid monsters, should be able to carry and use equipment. The quality …
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| Tiberath wrote: > Vermolius wrote: > > Don't be insecure. > > Insecure is what I do best. =) > Can't be an …
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| Jp wrote: > Please, please, please, learn to <p> Agreed.
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| Well, I don't have my own artist to do graphics for me, either, so I have to stick with what I can make :P
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| A very commemorative post.
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| I'm on W30 -- name is Traveller. I also play 24, and a few other worlds I can't be bothered to mention.
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| I do believe omnipotence would be nice. [edit] I forgot who was hosting them, ignore me.
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| Is there a way to include topic data with this method? I tried to no avail..
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| -20 hours. Almost exactly.
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| Dpheonix7 wrote: > Well I really do believe the limit should be increased. It would allow developers more options when …
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| Get into the habit of hitting ctrl + k and ctrl + r.
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| I saw him a few weeks ago in chatters. duzzat count?
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| Get a not-crappy p2p program. Or, better yet, use an actually good torrent program, and find a torrent for it.
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| Mr. Chex wrote: > DivineTraveller wrote: > > Mr. Chex wrote: > > > DivineTraveller wrote: > > > > Kill me and I'll …
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| Ripiz wrote: > Lets say I have made small game which is below 5mb in size zipped (host-files). Does anyone know where I …
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| DarkView wrote: > My only issue with my setup is that the keyboard attachment in the 360 Messenger kit isn't supported …
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| An up and coming RPG set in the ancient times, but as time advances..
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| I do know, you taught me that, master :(
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| TMM: >Ignoring all the math you tried to do (which makes no sense at all!) [..] Not to entirely cut in and totally …
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| I used an "over nine thousand" reference in my D-Day essay. It was a great essay, and I believe I scored high-A on it.
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| Late in the topic, but whatever -- I do a bit of programming at school, and I know a bunch of other people do, too. I …
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| I was thinking something along the lines of forcing a grid to only show icons, with nameless objects, but this looks …
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| Stephen001 wrote: > Generally a nice comparison. Just to tack something on, the datum limit is 2^31, unlike other DM …
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| Ouch. I don't think I'm really allergic to anything, or so I've found out yet. Is it possible to grow out of asthma? :o …
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| Oh nice. Congrats to you, Crispy! I'll be looking forward to it on steam, for sure. Hurry up, kay? :D
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| Since I don't want to read through that obnoxiously large comment, I have two words for you. >Anime sucks... Bunch of …
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| It's still the fifth in the series. Shut up.
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| IcewarriorX wrote: > Don't make fun of my future in-game boss you fucking jews. Your mother.
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| Depends how you equipped everyone. Did you have 6 tri emblems equipped, or maybe some better alternatives? Was …
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| no, splatty! we'll miss you :( good luck in your search, and I hope you find employment!
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| The bar looks bland. The buttons are far too unreadable, unless I squint, however. I could go on for a while..
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Dec 29 2018, 10:19 am
It's a lot different, but it's still p fun.