| Lummox JR wrote: > Huh. I retract my statement that you're full of crap. > > It's interesting to see that that …
26 |
| Ravenx465 wrote: > Yammen wrote: > > Chris Gayle wrote: > > > Yammen wrote: > > > > Why don't you change your damn …
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| Ah, many thanks. I didn't really care enough to look outside of portableapps :P
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| Could BYOND default it's file sending stuff to the users My Documents folder, or perhaps even the desktop, instead of …
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| Yash 69 wrote: > 3/14 = 0. 21428571428571428571428571428571 Hence why I used the other slash, because I knew some …
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| Good luck with your ears tib, I feel like I'm starting to experience the same thing in my right ear while I was …
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| I would take the angband approach here, and include a town at the top of the dungeon that supplies things, and if you …
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| Spunky_Girl wrote: > Could they keep said hub entries and whatnot there, only rename their creator with something like …
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| Not an anime fan, but I prefer the bar over the keys, all things considered with my keyboard rearrangement. :p
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| Reminds me of omnipotence for whatever reason, I personally think that'd be fun, though.
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| Not game-shattering, but definitely helpful to me.
15 |
| It's not rocket science, nor does it require SPIRITUAL ENERGY!!
22 |
| Lummox JR wrote: > Metal doesn't exactly do wonders for headaches. Not head-bangy death-metal yucky stuff. I'm …
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| I agree to this, as I have missed plenty of info that I should have read by this. If not auto-subscription, one could …
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| Me and a select group don't care ;D
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| Yeah, but I'm laaaaaazy. No, I'm kidding. I'm actually dis-assembling my second keyboard as I type this post.
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| That sounds rather hilarious.
11 |
| No. No. NO! Totally not. Absolutely not. Possibly, I guess. No. It's either one or the other. Anyone who says …
11 |
| Top down fighting? Reminds me of one of darke sabers games.. can't think of which at the moment. Excited! It looks very …
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| ... I like to force aethism on people. It's fun.
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| Preferably keep the comments all in the same margin, about 5-6 tabs over from the left margin if you counted, or 1 tab …
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| I'll digest you in a month.
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| Zxcvdnm wrote: > i am disappointed that it lack 3rd party support but i don't regret buying it. its a good party …
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| Just to pop in against meta: I can read it just fine.
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| Tune in next time for more "HOBBIES WITH VEX"!
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| You are now unsubscribed from this post's comment thread. Developous, you're a moron. Plain and simple.
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| He's still aliiiiiiiiiive.. still aliveeeeeeeeeeeee.
14 |
| Chris-g1 wrote: > Zxcvdnm wrote: > > Chris-g1 wrote: > > > Just a few pixel crits :) Your Mushroom like things dont …
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| Camstudio is also an option. I heard that coming from someone on these forums, actually, a while ago. Piratehead said …
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| Murrawhip wrote: > Like this? > > I'm sure you will accomplish everything you have set out to do. > Right!
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| Man sized and tree sized mushrooms. Watch out, they might eat'cha. ;) Nice work Zxc. Looking forward to the rest of …
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| I'll give it a shot. Thanks ice.
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| The mouse pointer cursor when you're typing, like, the one that blinks when it's idle, and follows what you're typing.
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| Stephen001 wrote: > Can you sign my boobs please? Sure. D.. I.. .. YOU DONT HAVE BOOBS?! VAT IZ DIZ?!
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| Massive bump of doom.. Is this possible with BYOND (meaning, can it be put in), or should find another way around, …
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| We do too. Centurytel sucks, very much ;(
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| This could be a nice element for strategy games, as if that hasn't been mentioned, but still. 'x' beat 'game' on very …
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| Masterdan wrote: > no no wait > Obama/Biden 365 McCain/Palin 173 > Thats a fucking landslide victory last time I …
37 |
| CaptFalcon33035 wrote: > DivineTraveller wrote: > > Would it be possible for there to be a proc to get the duration of …
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| If you can find a Herzing college near you, look into that first. It's a significantly nicer/cheaper college than your …
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| Danny Roe wrote: > I use Wilma as a reminder. =) > > "Remind me to bug abuse a Naruto rip then attack everyone in …
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| Not to be totally random, but I saw your music addictions, and I just wanted to point out horray for CoB.
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Dec 29 2018, 10:19 am
It's a lot different, but it's still p fun.