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| There's nothing sad about it. Your code is terrible and confusing (no offense intended). I don't blame the programmer …
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| I don't know Java, but from what I understand the purpose of exception handling is to catch errors and handle them …
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| According to wikipedia (and a good friend of mine, which is pretty reliable), "many Ninja disgused themselves as …
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| Kuraudo wrote: > proc/listshift(list/L, pos) return L.Copy(pos) + L.Copy(1,pos) When I compare this to my own …
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| //Title: Get Closest Objects //Credit to: DivineOpeanut //Contributed by: DivineOpeanut /* A simple but flexible proc …
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| The proc using turn() works much faster than the one using bits, and it's also less confusing. That's why I asked in …
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| Quests, training and monsters isn't Haruhi-like. How about a life-sim kinda game?
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| That's not what I meant. I'm asking you what do you need help with? How is your damage formula different from what you …
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| Ah, I thought the minimum level was 1, so I added 1 to all of my scores. My new level is 0.5. Damnit!
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| Animes like The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or Spice & Wolf have a much better opening (not to mention everything …
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| Gah, you lost the source for FoL? Shame on thee! Back-up, back-up, back-up! I'd try and sympathize with you, but you …
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| Murrawhip wrote: > I enjoy reading books on my laptop/phone, though there are several people I know that simply cannot …
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| I cannot help but feel that you must first learn of the cause. Will you update us on further investigationspilgrimages?
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| Ah, I was under the impression you use items via the mouse. If that's not the case then I can see why arrows around the …
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| Great news. It seems they're also keeping the game on a top-down perspective, which I'm absolutely delighted to hear …
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| Kinryuten wrote: > Why was a plane flying that low? Damaged planes do that sometimes. I think I saw smoke coming …
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| Devourer of Souls wrote: > Permanent death never inspires better roleplaying. I explicitly argued against what you said …
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| It's exactly the same for me! A year ago I thought "why would he constantly run a single loop when he can use lots of …
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| Please change your color scheme. It makes my eyes hurt.
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| Bah. I was seriously hoping you'd say "marshmallows," but I guess that's too far-fetched to be a theme.
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| I can't stop playing your damn game. It's addicting. You must stop working on it before more of my life is sucked!
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| I see little use for a new compiler. What's it gonna do, save you 5 seconds? What I really want to see is a new IDE, …
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| The idea here is that even if someone's statistic is much higher than his opponent's, the opponent will still have a …
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| I might join, but I'm not a member of the guild (nor can I be). Can I still use the points?
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