| The problem with caching here is that wires could always be moved or created, so even if you knew the direction of the …
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| I hate auto-administration. It's too easily abused, especially how you propose it: > 2.)Active help system(Report a …
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| Sounds great! I'm afraid I probably won't be able to play it, due to my horrible connection (and living in Asia), but …
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| You lucky bastard. I can barely get 1,000, and it's costing me quite a bit.
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| Ah, my mistake... the names are very similar so I mixed them up. That's embarrassing. :P
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| While built-in stuff is obviously faster, writing your own respawning procedure has the advantage of only acting on …
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| Average amount of sleep on Weekday: 4-16 Average amount of sleep on Weekend: 12-16 Do you think you get enough sleep on …
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| I don't think my code is more error prone or less clear (although that may be because I'm used to programming like …
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| Damn, that must be annoying. You should keep a backup next time.
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| That sounds good, then. But I still think that you should use datums instead of lists.
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| How about some RPG aspects? By completing puzzles, the player can earn pieces of "equipment" that can enchance his …
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| Er, I don't know, really. I completely forgot I wrote this (perhaps staying up until 5 AM wasn't a good idea... I'm …
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| I think black and white graphics can definitely enchance the gameplay if you're aiming for an old retro experience.
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| You know, a few seconds after reading your post I stumbled upon this and thought, "may you rest in peace."
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| This really depends on the amount of content you have. If you have a lot of stuff to do in every level (assuming you …
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| Damn, you remind me of an old sci-fi show where robots discover fire and revolt against humankind.
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| I got to level 40, admittedly consulting a dictionary once or twice. :P
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| There is no 'better' way, just what's better for your game. However, I suggest incorporating defensive attribute in …
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| I love them. They're overused, but not overrated. If you can't use RMVX graphics then use RM2k.
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