| Keep it up! I've been away because my laptop and my router have decided to be sworn enemies, so I don't have access to …
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| Anyone know what else I can do? As far as I can see there aren't any firewalls. up, or anything that should be …
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| It's the same game since CoD 3 really. They updated the rendering system, updated the physics, but other than that, …
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| If you need any Norweigan(and with that Danish and Finnish) or Russian, feel free to contact me. Oh, and if you need a …
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| Oh. In that case, no, there's no such thing (I would think), since the only things are .click and .dblclick -- I don't …
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| Have to be critical here, I don't like those buttons man. Having a modern gradient underlaying the 8 bit isn't sitting …
14 |
| Glad Tom finally found his sack and made this move. Most everyone bitching hasn't contributed anything positive to …
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| Agent Smith was at all necessary? All I can think of now is..... Mr. Anderson. Wonderful. Did this have anything to due …
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| Put Wormulox in so i can earn the medal.
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| Okay, listened to the podcast...to the racism on Seika(Teridal, whatever). I think I'm responsible in part with the …
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| Feval can not lose(EDIT: Outright. he's still dead). ninjas are epic and would surely kill a squirrel, but a ghost …
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| Hi my names reggie bush, and I don't approve of this message
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| Spending some time with the lovely lady friend, going to get dinner with the families, then spend the night at the …
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| SuperAntx wrote: > I think something more like the control point system in Battlefield would play better. I'd have to …
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| unicursal heptagon....you sure you're not jewish? /sarcasm Protip: The Jew star isn't unicursal, and it's a hexagram.
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| If something is there, there's a reason for it. Even so, that's pretty crazy that you've only ever found one use for a …
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| VERY lucky. Have fun, I guess I'll go get drunk and wander the town until I pass out in a ditch.
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| Ichigo dies, Series takes focus on the Ent's once again.
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| I've never met a female cosplayer that wasn't amazing in the sack though.
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| Acebloke wrote: > Alright, I'll bite, WHY has it been going downhill. I'm interested in what you actually mean. I mean …
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| Shadow813 wrote: > I don't like how Virginia Techs quaterbacks always rush. It's useful sometimes, but quaterbacks that …
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| Wish I could be there, but sadly I have to drive home from the beach, then study. Damn school is ruining Seika Timez.
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| Looks like the in-game interface....good job son.
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| Cool stuff. Haven't been active lately due to life taking all of my free time away. Hopefuly after my vacation I'll be …
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| National Guardsmen wrote: >I really hope these idiots cant reproduce. Unfortunately they can. Fortunately, though, the …
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| Jackass, Mad Max, new PoC, Resident Evil. and Yogi Bear for me lol
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| Riku 123q wrote: > I'm glad Black Ops doesn't fail(from what I hear). > It's MW2. That's all it is.
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| EnigmaticGallivanter wrote: > "Why do people troll great quotes?" - EnigmaticGallivanter Quotes that suggest …
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| PerfectGoku wrote: > Most people orgasm because they see Megan Fox, I could careless about her (She's not even that …
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| To any developer: If you're making an attempt to make an original, quality game, you've contributed to the community …
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| I'm just now getting over a day bout with the cold monster, It's still at the point where if i lean forward I feel like …
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| Noobhed wrote: > Aaiko, why is teridal down i dont have the option to play the game =( please fix this issue Someone …
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| Health comes before Tech Tree. Make sure you can continue to post them in the future, or else prioritizing this issue …
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| Avenged Charlie wrote: "Munuzoh rogtioa vikaad kilikan" > Ulterior Motives ^ THIS. Vikkad and Kilikan are two races in …
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| IainPeregrine wrote: He is concerned with the community first, and doctrine is somewhere much further down the line …
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| This noise isn't as bad as the world cup. two or three of these are just annoying at most. The "hive" noise is what …
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| Number of alleged rape victims from 2005-2007. Nobody touches Kobe, unless you're a drunk white woman.
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| Or you can go get a droid, and do.
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| Droid does(not, in this case). Have fun being whores to a flawed phone.
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| NU isn't dead yet? Holy shit! This has to be the longest development time for any game on BYOND at this point.
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| Good job, What conference is KSU?
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| HarryLarryLopez I'm on a Hardcore Team Deathmatch kick right now.
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| This game looks really good. The play, from what I've seen so far, is really fun. Hopefully they stay dedicated and …
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| Ima let you guys finish, but Silkwizard is one of the greatest trolls of all time. OF ALL TIME!
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| Reminds me of the Balrog from LoTR. Good to have you back.
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| 1.6 TBs of memory....why?
14 |
| Ss4toby wrote: > Disturbed Puppy was a better key =(.. Yeah, I was debating on switching to The Toby ^-^.. Yeah I know, …
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| Time to get to work on my Warlock >:)
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