
Joined: Nov 26 2005


Sep 20 2012, 8:27 am
pls join stark mountain noone is on but me
Sep 20 2012, 7:27 am
go on mount silver server on pkmn challenger pls,i feel so lonely

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Medals Dion123 can earn in his favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Pokemon Challenger

Melee Badge

Award for completing the sixth badge challenge!
Shadow Badge

Award for completing the seventh badge challenge!
Miracle Badge

Award for completing the eighth badge challenge!
Elite Certificate

Award for defeating the Elite Four in combat.
Champion Trophy

Proof of complete Pokemon mastery.
Wave Professional

Defeated 75 waves in any mode
Wave Master

Defeated 100 waves in any mode
Solo Professional

Defeated 75 waves in single-player
Solo Master

Defeated 100 waves in single-player
Minor Invincibility

Defeated 20 waves with no fainting
Major invincibility

Defeated 30 waves with no fainting

Defeated 100 waves with no fainting

Earn 20 million lifetime experience

Earn 30 million lifetime experience (coming soon!)

Earn 40 million lifetime experience (coming soon!)

Earn 50 million lifetime experience (coming soon!)
Budding Scholar

Seen 200 species of Pokemon
Trainer Lite

Caught 50 species of Pokemon (coming soon!)
Skilled Trainer

Caught 100 species of Pokemon (coming soon!)
National Trainer

Caught 150 species of Pokemon (coming soon!)