
Joined: Sep 9 2013

Didkoo00's Favorite Games

Come train and have fun!
by 1815rafi1815 | Jul 1 2013
You have read the book and seen the movies now live the magic!
Harry potter game, fair staff and events, stable econ.
by Landmine93 | Apr 6 2014
Tags: fangame
Harry Potter game, fair staff and events, stable server and great community!
New HUB because change of owner and other things such as mass updating.
Original version of TWC (Coded Wisely)
Come and join us in the Harry Potter game started in 2005, and still going strong.
Original game with own icons and maps! Come and enjoy, 24/7!
by Raimo | Apr 15 2013
Tags: fangame
A role-playing game set in the universe of Harry Potter.

Didkoo00's Favorite People