Medals Diclonius69 can earn in
her favorite games, and all games in which Diclonius69 has already earned some medals
Have an Active Stray Games Subscription |
BYOND Member
Have an Active BYOND Membership |
Sub Member
Have an Active Subcription and Membership |
Have an active SG Subscription |
BYOND Member
Have an active BYOND Membership |
Rescue Mode (1 win)
Win one game of Rescue Mode. |
Rescue Mode (3 wins)
Win three games of Rescue Mode. |
Rescue Mode (5 wins)
Win five games of Rescue Mode |
Rescue Mode (10 wins)
Win ten games of Rescue Mode. |
Water Mode (1 win)
Win one game of Water Mode. |
Water Mode (3 wins)
Win three games of Water Mode. |
Water Mode (5 wins)
Win five games of Water Mode. |
Water Mode (10 wins)
Win ten games of Water Mode. |
Quick Rescue
Win a Rescue Mode game in one minute or less. |
Hidden Gem #1
Found the first hidden gem in Adventure Mode. |
Hidden Gem #2
Found the second hidden gem in Adventure Mode. |
Hidden Gem #3
Found the third hidden gem in Adventure Mode. |
Hidden Gem #4
Found the fourth hidden gem in Adventure Mode. |
Hidden Gem #5
Found the fifth hidden gem in Adventure Mode. |
Underground Adventurer
Completed Adventure Mode (single player, no helpers!) |
Low Roller ($1000)
Earn a total of $1000 in career mode. |
Medium Roller ($2500)
Earn a total of $2500 in career mode. |
High Roller ($7500)
Earn a total of $7500 in career mode. |
Highest Roller ($15000)
Earn a total of $15,000 in career mode. |
Survival Mode (1 win)
Win one game of Survival Mode. |
Survival Mode (3 wins)
Win three games of Survival Mode. |
Survival Mode (5 wins)
Win five games of Survival Mode. |
Survival Mode (10 wins)
Win ten games of Survival Mode. |
How in the World...
So that's where they come from! |
An Hero
Have Fred quit life 200 times in total. |
Donate and gain access to Premium features. |
Master Chef
Rage quit using the Cutting Board. |
Man In The Mirror
See yourself in one of the 3 recent subscriber photos. |
What is this I don't even
Access the Premium area (Premium) |
Oh Noez I Fell
Falling on the ice made you kill yourself? (Premium) |
This.. is.. RAGE!
Fall down a giant hole (Premium) |
Extra Crispy
Quest 1
PVP Battle
Earn this Medal by Battling another Player Online! |
Bulbasaur Fan
Join the Tree Slashing Grass Club by choosing Bulbasaur as your Starter! |
Squirtle Fan
Join the Squirtle Squad by Chosing Squirtle as your Starter! |
Gym Badge 1
Get this badge for Defeating Leader Lorona! |
The Life Rune
Crypt Keeper
Complete the Warrior's Crypt |
Shade of Many Faces
Defeat all six forms of the Shade |
Gold Standard
Save up 100,000 gold in the bank |
No Stone Unturned
Find and open every treasure chest |
All in a Day's Work
Perfect Vision
Defeat Occularis without using the Hookshot |
Win an official PvP tournament at the Colosseum |
Get It On
Reach Level 10 with any character |
Got To Get It On
Reach Level 20 with any character |
No Choice But To Get It On
Reach Level 30 with any character |
Mandate: Get It On
Reach Level 40 with any character |
Ranger Mastery
Play a Ranger to level 30 |
Cleric Mastery
Play a Cleric to level 30 |
Wizard Mastery
Play a Wizard to level 30 |
Merchant Mastery
Play a Merchant to level 30 |
Conjurer Mastery
Play a Conjurer to level 30 |
Ninja Mastery
Warlock Mastery
Play a Warlock to level 30 |
Level 100
You finally did it! Get at Level 100! |
It's time to change your body :D |
Rock Badge
Dragon Badge
Water Badge
Electric Badge
Obtain the Electric Badge |
Grass Badge
Flying Badge
Fighting Badge
Obtain the Fighting Badge |
Elite 4 Champion
Beat All the Elite 4s to become Elite 4 Champion |
Steel Badge
Wanna be in my Gang?
Make an alliance of at least 5 members [E] |
Make an alliance of at least 20 players [M] |
Make an alliance of at least 50 players [H] |
Keep your Friends close
Make an alliance of at least 100 players [VH] |
Get Decimated
Give yourself a reason to restart in-game [E] |
Make a Million Through Trade [E] |
Make a Thousand Million Through Trade [M] |
Make a Billion (US Trillion)Through Trade [H] |
Reach Modern Era from Ancient under the Warmonger rules [H] |
Through the Ages
Play the Game from Ancient through to Modern [M] |
Mean Android Attack!
Attack a pre-gunpowder nation with Androids with Full Out Attack [E] |
Sticks and Stones
Successfully defend from a more advanced Nations attack [M] |
In the Navy
Air Battle
Start an Aerial Battle [E] |
My Island!
Lose a battle, but save your land with water and no enemy navy [M] |
Rocket Punch
Use a Conventional Missile [E] |
I'm a Big Boy now!
Nuke someone with more nukes than you do [E] |
Kill a million people when using a nuclear weapon [E] |
Nuclear Genocide
Kill five million people when using a nuclear weapon [M] |
Nuclear Holocaust
Kill twenty five million people when using a nuclear weapon [H] |
Nuclear Proliferation
Reach the end of a game without using Nuclear technology when given the chance [E] |
Radiation Poisoning
Might need your 'friends' help for this one [E] |
Ministry of Love
Get 100% approval rate... One way or another! [M] |
Education Education Education
Get an A in your school report with a population over 50 Million [E] |
Socialist Healthcare
Get under 1000 PPD with a population over 50 Million [E] |
Lab Rat
Research all Resource and Building techs [M] |
I have the Power
Create a surplus of efficient energy from all sources [M] |
Breaking the Peace
Start the first fight in a game [E] |
Battle Minded
Battle Warrior
Rivers of Blood
Right of Conquest
In your Face
Find the Face on the Moon [E] |
Space The Final Frontier
Develop a Space Program [E] |
My Rocket is bigger than your Rocket...
Fire a Rocket into sub-orbit, and get it back down safely [M] |
A Rocket to the Moon
Land one of your very expensive rockets on The Moon [E] |
Origin of Species
Send an animal into orbit and get it back down. Alive. [M] |
The Earth is Blue
Send an Astronaut into orbit and back without making mince meat [M] |
Fly me to the Moon
The perfect way to use your end-game money [H] |
A Space Odyssey
Establish your first Space Station into Orbit [H] |
9801 The Magic Number
Total Conversion
Convert all your Farms into GM Farms [E] |
Angel of the North
Southern Devil
Start as a King and move your way to President [E] |
Go through 11 Revolutions [M] |
Red Wings
Get the third Rank (6 Medals) [E] |
Blue Stripes
Get the Sixth Rank (21 Medals) [M] |
Green Chevrons
Get the Ninth Rank (45 Medals) [H] |
Alternative Vote
Stockpile 60 Nuclear Weapons [M] |
Proportional Representation
Stockpile 300 Nuclear Weapons [H] |
| |