
Joined: Feb 25 2009

Medals Diclonius69 can earn in her favorite games, and all games in which Diclonius69 has already earned some medals

[Only favorite games] [Earned medals]

Heroes United 2


Have an Active Stray Games Subscription
BYOND Member

Have an Active BYOND Membership
Sub Member

Have an Active Subcription and Membership

Heroes United


Have an active SG Subscription
BYOND Member

Have an active BYOND Membership

A Miner Adventure

Rescue Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Rescue Mode.

Rescue Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Rescue Mode.

Rescue Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Rescue Mode

Rescue Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Rescue Mode.

Water Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Water Mode.

Water Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Water Mode.

Water Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Water Mode.

Water Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Water Mode.

Quick Rescue

Win a Rescue Mode game in one minute or less.

Hidden Gem #1

Found the first hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #2

Found the second hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #3

Found the third hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #4

Found the fourth hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #5

Found the fifth hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Underground Adventurer

Completed Adventure Mode (single player, no helpers!)

Low Roller ($1000)

Earn a total of $1000 in career mode.

Medium Roller ($2500)

Earn a total of $2500 in career mode.

High Roller ($7500)

Earn a total of $7500 in career mode.

Highest Roller ($15000)

Earn a total of $15,000 in career mode.

Survival Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Survival Mode.


How in the World...

So that's where they come from!

An Hero

Have Fred quit life 200 times in total.


Donate and gain access to Premium features.

Master Chef

Rage quit using the Cutting Board.

Man In The Mirror

See yourself in one of the 3 recent subscriber photos.

What is this I don't even

Access the Premium area (Premium)

Oh Noez I Fell

Falling on the ice made you kill yourself? (Premium)

This.. is.. RAGE!

Fall down a giant hole (Premium)

Extra Crispy

Learn about fire

Pokemon Renewed From Dust

Quest 1

Finish the First Quest

PVP Battle

Earn this Medal by Battling another Player Online!

Bulbasaur Fan

Join the Tree Slashing Grass Club by choosing Bulbasaur as your Starter!

Squirtle Fan

Join the Squirtle Squad by Chosing Squirtle as your Starter!

Gym Badge 1

Get this badge for Defeating Leader Lorona!


The Life Rune

Discover the Life Rune

Crypt Keeper

Complete the Warrior's Crypt

Shade of Many Faces

Defeat all six forms of the Shade

Gold Standard

Save up 100,000 gold in the bank


Complete every quest

No Stone Unturned

Find and open every treasure chest

All in a Day's Work

Save the Black Sanctum

Perfect Vision

Defeat Occularis without using the Hookshot


Win an official PvP tournament at the Colosseum

Get It On

Reach Level 10 with any character

Got To Get It On

Reach Level 20 with any character

No Choice But To Get It On

Reach Level 30 with any character

Mandate: Get It On

Reach Level 40 with any character

Ranger Mastery

Play a Ranger to level 30

Cleric Mastery

Play a Cleric to level 30

Wizard Mastery

Play a Wizard to level 30

Merchant Mastery

Play a Merchant to level 30

Conjurer Mastery

Play a Conjurer to level 30

Ninja Mastery

Play a Ninja to level 30

Warlock Mastery

Play a Warlock to level 30

Pokémon Island

Level 100

You finally did it! Get at Level 100!


It's time to change your body :D

Pokemon Flame Of Adventure

Rock Badge

Obtain The Rock Badge

Dragon Badge

Obtain The Dragon Badge

Water Badge

Obtain The Water Badge

Electric Badge

Obtain the Electric Badge

Grass Badge

Obtain the Grass Badge

Flying Badge

Obtain the Flying Badge

Fighting Badge

Obtain the Fighting Badge

Elite 4 Champion

Beat All the Elite 4s to become Elite 4 Champion

Steel Badge

Obtain the Steel Badge


Wanna be in my Gang?

Make an alliance of at least 5 members [E]


Make an alliance of at least 20 players [M]


Make an alliance of at least 50 players [H]

Keep your Friends close

Make an alliance of at least 100 players [VH]

Get Decimated

Give yourself a reason to restart in-game [E]


Make a Million Through Trade [E]


Make a Thousand Million Through Trade [M]


Make a Billion (US Trillion)Through Trade [H]


Reach Modern Era from Ancient under the Warmonger rules [H]

Through the Ages

Play the Game from Ancient through to Modern [M]

Mean Android Attack!

Attack a pre-gunpowder nation with Androids with Full Out Attack [E]

Sticks and Stones

Successfully defend from a more advanced Nations attack [M]

In the Navy

Start a Naval Battle [E]

Air Battle

Start an Aerial Battle [E]

My Island!

Lose a battle, but save your land with water and no enemy navy [M]

Rocket Punch

Use a Conventional Missile [E]

I'm a Big Boy now!

Use a nuclear weapon [E]


Nuke someone with more nukes than you do [E]


Kill a million people when using a nuclear weapon [E]

Nuclear Genocide

Kill five million people when using a nuclear weapon [M]

Nuclear Holocaust

Kill twenty five million people when using a nuclear weapon [H]

Nuclear Proliferation

Reach the end of a game without using Nuclear technology when given the chance [E]

Radiation Poisoning

Might need your 'friends' help for this one [E]

Ministry of Love

Get 100% approval rate... One way or another! [M]

Education Education Education

Get an A in your school report with a population over 50 Million [E]

Socialist Healthcare

Get under 1000 PPD with a population over 50 Million [E]

Lab Rat

Research all Resource and Building techs [M]

I have the Power

Create a surplus of efficient energy from all sources [M]

Breaking the Peace

Start the first fight in a game [E]

Battle Minded

Win 25 Battles [E]

Battle Warrior

Win 100 Battles [M]

Rivers of Blood

Win 500 Battles [H]

Right of Conquest

Win 2,500 battles [VH]

In your Face

Find the Face on the Moon [E]

Space The Final Frontier

Develop a Space Program [E]

My Rocket is bigger than your Rocket...

Fire a Rocket into sub-orbit, and get it back down safely [M]

A Rocket to the Moon

Land one of your very expensive rockets on The Moon [E]

Origin of Species

Send an animal into orbit and get it back down. Alive. [M]

The Earth is Blue

Send an Astronaut into orbit and back without making mince meat [M]

Fly me to the Moon

The perfect way to use your end-game money [H]

A Space Odyssey

Establish your first Space Station into Orbit [H]

9801 The Magic Number

Reach 9,801 land [H]

Total Conversion

Convert all your Farms into GM Farms [E]

Angel of the North

Reach -100 Infamy [M]

Southern Devil

Reach 100 Infamy [M]


Start as a King and move your way to President [E]


Go through 11 Revolutions [M]

Red Wings

Get the third Rank (6 Medals) [E]

Blue Stripes

Get the Sixth Rank (21 Medals) [M]

Green Chevrons

Get the Ninth Rank (45 Medals) [H]

Alternative Vote

Stockpile 60 Nuclear Weapons [M]

Proportional Representation

Stockpile 300 Nuclear Weapons [H]