Devourer Of Souls

Joined: Mar 30 2002

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Game developer, whom typically likes to stay out of the spotlight. Nice guy, though.


Oct 19 2021, 1:54 pm
Azroth wrote:
Sigrogana legend is the best even the fact u could use bombs and fight and how the whole thing was it stands as the best byond rpg game other than the original Dragon ball Z game called finale.
Oct 19 2021, 1:47 pm
Sigrogana legend
Jul 31 2017, 10:56 am
DOS, I am a fellow game developer that started playing byond at age 14. I am now 23 years old. I loved your Sigrogana legend game and looked up to you as a developer. I worked hard to be as good a coder and developer as you but could never make a game with the atmosphere that Sigrogana Legend commanded. My little brother and sister also loved to play your game right up until Sigrogana Legend 2 was released. Ever since then SL1 was hosted less and less. SL1 is nostalgic and much of my life was put into that game(heck I even donated to a byond game for once in my life). I really miss coming home from highschool & college, and unwinding with some Sigrogana Legend. It would mean the world to me if there was some way to have the game hosted.
Thank-you very much if you have read this!
Feb 9 2017, 6:44 pm
Do you use any html in your game or is all this stuff purely byond code? Also I haven't tryed Sigro 2 but i'm still gonna miss Sigro 1.. And all those ooorrbs.
Dec 27 2016, 1:14 am
Hello! :)

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Medals Devourer Of Souls can earn in his favorite games

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Witches' Chess

A Horse, Of Course

Promote a pawn into a knight.


Capture a total of 4 or more pieces in a single game with your King.


Win a game with 3 or less pieces.

That's My Horse

Capture a Knight with a Knight.

The Perfect Disguise

In Witches' Chess, cast 'Doppleganger' on a piece and have it change into the same piece it was.

All In The Family

In Witches' Chess, cast 'Familicide' on one of your pawns.

Now You're Thinking With Portals

In Witches' Chess, cast the 'Teleportation' spell on a single piece three times in one game.


In Witches' Chess, cast the 'Flight' spell on one of your pawns.

Endless Magic

In Witches' Chess, during one game, have a total Magic Power of 12 or higher.

Pawn Poacher

In Witches' Chess, after 'Traitor' is cast, be in control of 9 or more pawns.

Riches To Rags

In Witches' Chess, have your Queen become the victim of an opponent's 'True Isolation' spell.

Twisted Logic

In Witches' Chess, avoid Checkmate 5 times in one game.

Devil's Proof

In Witches' Chess, capture a piece hidden by a 'Fake Corpse' spell.

The Cruelty of Witches

In Witches' Chess, checkmate your opponent only after capturing every non-King piece they own.