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| Schnitzelnagler wrote: > Weird how some topics periodically return with forum users not bothering to invest the 5 …
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| Thanks everyone these are great - I never thought of a board game its a perfect idea.
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| Answer... He wanted to show us all who to kill next time we go on a murderous rampage.
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| just a few things i feel the need to inform you of: 1) byond games CANT run straight out of a .exe, so that "other …
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| wats your new years resolution ppl?
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| Android Data wrote: > It's called the DM Guide, and it is available on your left. i think ihe is more talking about the …
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| what byond needs is ppl who know how to spell byond ... but ppl do respond, but they r the sucky noob coders, who no1 …
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| Although I completely agree that what he is doing is offensive and wrong, there is nothing that the staff of BYOND can …
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| Wasn't made by me but I think all BYONDers should definitely join it! http://hs.facebook.com/ group.php?gid=2227770665
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| Lummox JR wrote: > He wasn't interrupted so much as cut off. He kept going on and on and never actually let Kerry …
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| hahaha no pepi is only like 17 or 18 (i forget) but he has had the idea since idk, like 8ish .... and its all he really …
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| Darkdemonrad wrote: > CaptFalcon33035 wrote: > > I think he was going on about the title of "best codded game on BYOND" …
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| The ZOMG Clan plays many online games such as HL:2, CS:S, Rappelz, WOW, and many more. If whoever reads this is kind …
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| The ZOMG Clan plays many online games such as HL:2, CS:S, Rappelz, WOW, and many more. If whoever reads this is kind …
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| dont listen to anyone ... dont get the new graphics card cause it wont be compatible with things soon ... go on …
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| honestly, 2 at best ... mayb 0
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| I acctually agree, even though I suck at iconing, that helped me alot too
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| mine downloads but doenst open anything
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| this may not get you the best sound quality BUT . . . get a RLY good headset and plug it in to the gb. Then turn up the …
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| ok well here is the truth: alot of ppl on BYOND r still good, but the original experts are gradually leaving. Fan games …
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| FriesOfDoom wrote: > but it seems quite a bit more confusing than the old way A BIT MORE CONFUSING .... This layout is …
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| i understand and agree with this ZERO thing for the most part ... it is interesting what he talks about because this is …
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| toonami is changing too much! i just heard cartoonnewtwork is getting rid of Ed Edd and Eddy (one of its longest …
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| dude, the new series has been goign on for a LONG time, it just started in the anime . . . catch up on your naruto …
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| i dont even think that the staff is gonna have a hard copy. Try looking at the BYOND store (bot not likely there) I …
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| this is like the BYOND site changes. Everyone sees it differently and has different opinions. The government made this …
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| no, what u need 2 do is hire some1. In the BYOND community, there are probably 100s of ppl willing to work on a game …
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| Ok so you use the word "graphics" and by that do u mean ONLY icons or could some of us submitt title screens or high …
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| I am currently on my brothers computewr because my browser is being bloacked by a virus. Only Norton can stop the …
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| -_- i knew that i'd come to something like that ... GRRR its not fair ... *sighs and cuts wrists*
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| OMFG like others said if you wanna play fav the game. And also ... why do u have to whine ... the rest of us deal with …
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| the best thing to do would be to get a "special" lawyer ... or one who is more or less hired by the state and whos job …
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| PMCO - Purplemonkey now has a file compression service up! Have a large movie file in a wide variety of format, but its …
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| i have recently bought system mechanic 7. It deletes all .dmp files which are dump files, and BYOND maps. It is really …
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| well . . . happy valentines day everyone! I "love" you all!
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| hey dude, i REALLY agree with all that --> they could have been racist or hate Spanish ppl or w/e. But it goes BYOND …
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| -_- so wat if ppl know how to make loops in c++ and stuff --> we are talking bout webdesign and prices and some ppl who …
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| u say "iran" or "town in iran" or w/e too much. You have to stop saying that and use a pronoun.
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| i dont feel like sorting through them, so here are all the comercials if any1 wants to c them: …
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| hey does anyone know if GoDaddy provides that cause thats what I got. It had PHP and everything else, but I am kinda …
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| i am REALLY sorry about the loophole i fooled around with. Its not like I knew it was that big of a deal. Besides, most …
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| kinda .... but i dont personally know it. Just learn some C sharp or C++ and u can use that in BYOND. Even a bit of …
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| ok i deleted all the added by CiD stuff and all that was after it ..... and it works now ... ty every1
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| not just being though as spam, but you could be spelling your e-mail wrong. Also, how are you logged in now if you cant …
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