
Joined: Mar 3 2007


Rayson Montgomery
Oct 5 2012, 12:00 pm
Hey, I have a question. Some of the games I'm trying to log onto such as this one and Hogwarts: Mischieved Managed says connection failed when I tried to log into either one of them. Am I banned from them for some reason?
Sep 4 2012, 6:01 am
Am i banned? because when i connect to server it says connection failed
May 20 2012, 5:02 am
Hi, my char on your everland server is bugged somehow and can no longer walk. Please help!

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Dem666's Favorite Games

by Kanak | Aug 25 2004
The Original DragonBall Zen created by the DragonBall Zen Staff. Now back up due to request from our fans. Enjoy!
Come and join us in the Harry Potter game started in 2005, and still going strong.