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| DreamSeeker runs under Cedega Wine. Took a couple minutes to get it started but it works. Cedega's Website
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| Lummox JR pointed some other fellow to this web site in the Community forum...it looks like it may help you. PortForward
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| digitalmouse wrote: > so ya got any other poor reasons to not run Linux? Yeah, installing my nVidia drivers without …
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| Ah, that wonderful feeling of a fresh Windows install...nothing quite like it!
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| Popisfizzy wrote: > I need something that I don't have to download, because I have a slow internet connection. I do …
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| A Dune pack with Dune II and Dune 2000 wouldn't be such a bad idea...at least, I'd buy it...What was the deal with …
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| I wouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion that Flame Sage is suffering from a IDE controller failure. If everyone …
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| Personally (and without being able to test both GPUs) I would use the GeForce 2. because you're interested in the …
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| FlameSage, Assuming you've made backups, I would replace all of your IDE (or SATA) cables in your computer with brand …
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| Tazor07, Except in extremely rare cases you cannont upgrade the graphics card in a laptop. You will simply need to get …
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| I find it amusing that you're trying to make Windows XP look like Windows Vista even though the final Vista shell …
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| Flame Sage, To run CHKDSK in "read/write" mode do the following: Open the command prompt (Start > Run, type "cmd", …
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| Welcome folks, I've finally claimed a small chunk of territory in the BYOND community. Back in the early 2000's I was …
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| Jon88 wrote: > Standard installs of Windows XP Home all have the same password for the Administrator account. It's "" …
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| digitalmouse wrote: > as far as learning about linux- you got most of the skills already in using Windoze. you just …
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| Hello folks, I am searching for a video clip of some comedian doing a stand up show where he is a Computer Help Desk …
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| Why don't you just not type the cuss words or if you do before you post the message on the fourm just delete the cuss …
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| Is there anyway to get rid of a key? For example, you've got a key that someone really wants and that you don't use any …
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| Oh sure, like that will happen!
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| Wouldn't a mortor be a little more effective if it was explosive and not just a hunk of metal that might just happen to …
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| Okay, DerDragon is likely right, I didn't bother to look at it. I just remember the old days of looking at it (the open …
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| You paranoid little ... something really mean and hurtful, If y'all just look at what you donloaded before double …
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| ...because I was having chest pains, I was thinking it was just chest congestion (I also have the cold right now)so I …
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| I did the whole midnight showing thing too. But I got there I think around 5 hours early for it, it was a good thing …
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| Hello y'all, I am a complete Linux n00b but I do like to mess with new things and I have been trying out various Linux …
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| Sariat wrote: > Yes mien commendant! Ja mein Kommandant!
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| Can't wait for The Two Towers.
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| Jotdaniel wrote: > im quit sure you dont want to sit through 15 hours per movie just so they can put in every single …
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| Zlegend2 wrote: > Shouldn't of the soldier fought the vietnam war instead of the politians? Well, one things for sure …
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| I've been looking around the variuos hardware sites and early 2003 is going to be a great time to go out and upgrade my …
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| I disagree, sure it is easier if you don't have to sort though crowds but cities aren't really like that. I read a lot …
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| You filthy capitalist! If the game designers and matienance team are dedicated to their vision there should be no money …
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| If the site is up and workin' www.themexp.org is the best site I've found. I am not sure but I think that …
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| It is scary how close that come to me...
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| I personally own a cat and a lizard. My family owns (owns makes it sound so bad)three dogs: a pug, a Jack Russel …
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| Oh, in that case I guess he is good to go then.
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| Dareb wrote: > want me to go into full description of what fingers I use for the keyboard? Please do.
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| Both the graphics cards and the monitor decide the resolution of the screen. If the monitor can only handle 1280x1024 …
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| Clothes shouldn't just be about getting special "abilities" and special "stats" you have to think of style! Why have …
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| Nein, ich bin nur ein blöd Amerikäner. Took German in High School though, I don't know very much and my German grammar …
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| Wow, the Euro is like right on the dollar! And, once you get WineX working please give a report on how well it works, I …
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| digitalmouse wrote: > Quite a few of the gurus are in their 20s and 30s, so we (yeah, I've been accused of being one, …
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| Jacro wrote: > Im using a 3-4 Year old SCSI Windows NT computer and every so often when Im using it the screen will …
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| DerDragon wrote: > Haha, this guy is my mapper, I know him personally. You mean your ex-mapper? Did you even think that …
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| SkylineR34 wrote: > mines going to be like this > > big window, biohazard aplique > led fans, blue > cold cathodes, …
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| Hehe, gives new meaning to "mac-lover."
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