Dark Emrald

Joined: Jan 12 2006

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Feb 23 2016, 8:42 pm
bring it back, it was such a good game
Jan 6 2016, 5:13 pm
Miss Reo, miss you too
Oct 27 2015, 8:54 pm
plz!! host Resident evil again xd, its a pretty good game thanks for made it ñ_ñ, and some thing that i never can found, whats the song name of the game when u join on it, im trying to find it but never found u.u
Aug 16 2015, 8:32 pm
plz!! host Resident evil !!

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Dark Emrald's Favorite Games

With a Nintendo character under your control, you either run and hide from or chase your friends in many classic levels. ...