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| Nicely done icons would be the first! most gamers are spoiled with rich graphics <_<. Not a laggy game?
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| Someone renew my membership! ill give thee a cookie =D! - DE
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| Well thats lame ive lost the will to code :(.
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| Yes I agree, I started getting into again it as well beheheheeh. - Darky
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| Hmmm this is a bad move indeed I think the action taken here will cause in loss of many byonders. - Dark Emrald
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| Live might be the better and more funner but it may get laggy depending on how fast the commands execute. On the other …
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| SSgogeta or somthin grelesed his source code so that is why there are growing number of Pokemon games.
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| Id say drowning is the most retarted way to die >_>.
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| Ok many people really hate this thing about being pager banned from their own game. why do you guys have this... They …
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| Ok the gun system I have uses diffrent types of bullets and ammo for each weapon, Shotguns, Handguns, etc.... so list …
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| lol, am glad some people enjoy the game and thx for the comments Cavern, hearing that often encourages me to continue …
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| Which is why REO fans told me not to give it out.
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| Hello I need all you peoples to vote for my Pals Band, Listen to there music and vote for em thank you and Rock On …
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Feb 23 2016, 8:42 pm