| Admin Application Key; Dark0rock In-Game Name; Meruka Timezone; GMT+10 What I could do to help?; I have an great …
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| Good luck, good to have you back.
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| I totally agree with you, no good Digimon games on BYOND. -.-
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| If you're looking for activity. Go to BYOND games, click most players and on the right it should have a tag called …
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| I'll unban you, I have no idea why Van did,he referred to you as a 'Furry Fu*ker'
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| Bro, i'll happily take over PTCG if you allow me to. I loved that game so much. xD
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| Holly shit, that's mad as. xD
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| Thanks man, hope you have a good one.
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| HOLY SHIT, look at my information. PSN: TehCuba Games: Red Dead Redemption, MW2, MW1, BOps, Skate 3, Naruto Shippuden …
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| I missclicked, I ment to vote for eight. >.>
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| Does it have to be finished, finished. Or can be mid-finished game.
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| Yey, since all the FF games went down, I think it'll be pretty popular. I'm assuming it's a turn based?
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| What kind of game is it, I may be able to lend a hand. I can code and I have medium iconning skills. Also i'm quite a …
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| Wow, Silent Hill online! Haven't play a SH since Ps1, downloading this now. Can't wait to play. :p
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| I'm wondering if you would send me the source to Celestial Chaos 2, I like the battle system.
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| RazgrizLead wrote: > What is NSW...? Lol, I saw your post here while looking for a source, I think NSW is New south …
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| i got ban for saying hi to the owner.
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| u can help coding im like a master
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Feb 25 2012, 10:53 am