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| The latest version of Wine and BYOND almost play nice together again. You can now connect to games, but for some reason …
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| Me and some of the BYOND Help guys were talking and thought it might be a better idea to have the BYOND Help forums a …
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| On last nights episode of TWIT they started talking about HTML5 and one of the panelists mentioned …
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| While creating a bug report, I wanted to attach a screenshot to clearly show a visual example of the problem. Since …
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| Looks like we are getting BYOND holiday website themes again, even if in a more limited fashion than before.
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| For those of you interested in seeing what HTML5 means for the simple stuff, read through the rather long …
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| I figured a game development forum would probably be the best place to ask this, although the issue isn't actually …
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| For those of you who signed up to be invited to Google Wave, 100,000 invites are going out today, as confirmed by …
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| "Oldest lifeguard misses pool" can only mean one thing, right?
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| Wine 1.1.9 was released, check the release notes here: http://winehq.org/ ?announce=1.1.9 Of note, there seem to be a …
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| A popular thing at the moment with social networking is use of the @ to point at someone else on the social network …
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| I'm too lazy to file proper bug reports on all these, so I thought I'd post my list of "What I've found" on here. Part …
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| Just an idea for Firefox that popped into my head. This post is 99% Chrome free.
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| NASA wants to talk about a very serious issue with everyone.
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| I've got one of them there smart phones what them city folks always jabber about.
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| A few days ago, I got a blackberry, and I must say, I'm impressed. But surfing the web is still not on par with a PC …
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| While looking for a good way to popup a folder when I hit a shortcut combo, I ran into this: Keyboard shortcuts for …
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| As many users have noted, it's a bit of a pain to get in contact with most BYOND users. The pager is there, but most of …
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| Getting tired of making the same post over and over again in BYOND help, I decided to do something. It started with …
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| XP is officially out of stores, I will not be moving to Vista.
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| To Mr. George Carlin, a comedian of some note.
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| Recently I was asked by my employer to find a better, preferably free, replacement for our scheduling software. It is a …
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| Firefox 3 has been officially released, and is available for download now! There have been a lot of updates, both …
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| Firefox 3 is just around the corner, are you ready?
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| One of the most common solutions to problems on BYOND Help is removing the cache for DS. However, last I knew there was …
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| I don't know about you guys, but something about Linux has really pissed me off for a long time. I've been fighting to …
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| Updated time tables for tax deadlines, please open immediately.
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| A nice quick list of the most important Firefox extensions.
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| This BYONDscape Classic is the type of article I especially enjoy: you can take all the ideas, or only the ones that …
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| For those of you who don't keep up with Google's press releases, my RSS feeder just threw this over the wires: …
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| My pretty little review of Burnout: Paradise. Quick summary: 8/10.
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| GameStop has it in stock, time to have some fun... almost.
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| Can we get "Bug Report" style template support for guild forums?
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| What is your primary hand?[poll]
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| My uninformed and probably ripped ideas on time travel.
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| A pretty list of my video podcasts. Who needs TV?
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| I'm always interested to know how many people actually visit my blog, but there is currently no accurate way to tell …
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| Finally, Scoob reveals his secret to keeping up with the fast paced world of technology.
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| Everybody likes to be enslaved sometimes.
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| A BYONDscape Classic! Learn the wonders of inheritance and overriding in this concise introduction.
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| What happens when a 2,500 pound machine meets a 300 pound animal?
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| Oh yeah, Google Mobile. Sadly, no gPhone announced.
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| I've noticed on a lot of forums there are tags. They are exactly what they sound like. Some forums simply change the …
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| Steve Gibson shows us how to truly create a secure login page.
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| Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is being released to the PS3, hear what this RnC fanboy has to complain …
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| I listen to a large number of tech podcasts, of which I might blog on later, and "Buzz Out Loud" talked about a rather …
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Oct 3 2012, 10:26 am