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| Our email system is currently having trouble with all hotmail.com addresses. If that is holding you up, please hang on …
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| Hub icons (the 64x64 things that spice up the game listings) were sucking up too much bandwidth. Some of the large GIFs …
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| Some of you may have gotten an hourly daily report from the hub server. Oops! Due to some yet-to-be-optimized parts of …
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| The following is a note from our ISP. Contrary to their assurances, I personally am no longer able to access the secure …
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| Ahem. Oops. I was messing around and accidentally goofed up this thread, so I'm re-opening it now. The linux version …
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| Oops. I busted the forum for a few hours today. Should be working again now. Sorry folks! I've been working like mad …
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| I just fixed the most likely cause of the passport troubles that a number of people have been having. Please try again …
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| We have switched on the new channel system. There are still a few new features in the works (such as forums integrated …
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| Some of you who work in a group who shares code through "invitation only" libraries might appreciate the ability in …
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| Beginning tomorrow, we will be reorganizing a number of things in the hub game listings. Under the new system, games …
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| We have discovered the trouble that is plaguing a number of IE 6.0 users. There were reports of not being able to log …
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| Our ISP flaked out on us last night. Things may be a bit rocky today as well, since we are manually overriding some of …
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| I don't know if anybody else has to make URLs to hub entries now and then, but I have to do it all the time and I got …
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| See what makes Impy tick!
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| The title of this message is a lie. There is no official development schedule, and there never will be. Those of you …
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| A bare-bones room-based MUD system that handles saving/loading and run-time configuration.
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| A text-based MUD with a few twists.
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| I had to update some system files, so things were down for a couple minutes. Let me know if you see any new …
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| An experimental combat system.
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| A tribute to rogue and its many progeny.
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| The classic game of five-in-a-row.
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| Handles basic events in turn-based games.
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| Get filthy stinking rich!
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| I have probably not done a very good job presenting a description of how the new hub-distributed libraries are supposed …
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| The new DM Hub is online. You can start posting stuff there! I made an example (Maze Demo) that illustrates some of the …
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| Generate random maze-like maps.
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| The servers may be down for half an hour or so while we do a major upgrade of the software...
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| If you are thinking about when to promote the great game that you just finished, don't do it yet! We are about to make …
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| Hyperlink data in BYOND is stored in the URL after the '#' character. This has started to irritate me, because standard …
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| Just a note for those of you who suffered through this last week of server down-time: I've put in automatic monitoring …
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| In my previous post about the new Launch Pad host site, I said I was going to move all the existing "dantom" users …
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| For those of you who have not stumbled across the developer referral page, please go ahead and start using it! Many of …
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| I accidentally neutered a whole bunch of you a few days ago. Sorry about that. The good news is that you are now in …
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| This is just to let you all know what's cooking, so you don't think we've been sitting idle these past few days …
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| Spuzzum made me feel so bad, after I rejected his suggestion twice for this very same feature, and only later found out …
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| I have made a few changes to the hub to make it more useful and also better looking. You will have to help me out on …
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| Question for the DragonSnot crew. Have you experimented with using flick() to handle the flow rather than rapidly …
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| The new heirarchical hub is officially replacing the old single-list hub. I just added a slightly more friendly …
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| The host service will now send you an email when output goes into your log file for the first time. It's too easy for …
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| Deadron is right. Enter() is not truly appropriate for generating side-effects, because it is actually defined as a …
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| The host server now automatically expands links ending in [dir] to [dir]/[dir].dmb. That applies to the key name as …
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| There is a minor patch for the 232 client that just fixes a few browser refresh problems. Download it here (~70K). The …
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| We just released 230 (sorry for the wait). Try out the new style sheets! My fingers are bleeding from the amount of …
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Nov 25 2021, 10:26 am