
Joined: Oct 9 2011


Feb 21 2014, 7:22 pm
Gokutail wrote:
D-cire,it would be good if you host Hu2 again.I mean i had alot of fun on hu2 when you hosted it so please bring it up again.Cause falacy is lazy to update his server.Thanks.

I dont remember ever hosting hu2. Atleast never in a serious fashion.
Feb 20 2014, 7:20 am
D-cire,it would be good if you host Hu2 again.I mean i had alot of fun on hu2 when you hosted it so please bring it up again.Cause falacy is lazy to update his server.Thanks.
Jan 26 2013, 6:58 pm
I was looking for a decent iconer for my up coming game based off the fairy tale anime and people spoke highly of your work. If your interested in this new project message me back or feel free to add my key Liberater2
Pink Swager
Aug 11 2012, 2:24 pm
I need coder so I can make naruto gam e can u please help
Aug 10 2012, 8:17 am

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