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| I see where you're coming from, and kudos to you. Though I still deem it unnecessary in my book. To each their own …
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| Black Ops and Naruto >=] PSN is Swiftley
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| And nobody seems to care.
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| I liked the part where Stephen got shot.
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| Majin Furble wrote: > What spent too much on that "swagger" you wear? At least he doesn't take creepy pictures of …
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| Kalzar wrote: > How many new Anime games are actually coming out that are worth noting? I don't really follow the anime …
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| EmpirezTeam wrote: > ( some of those REO games are half-decent but still need more polish to be considered professional …
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| Darknesscover wrote: > What are Mystia coins for? You can see further in the dark.
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| Lil Wayne, Eminem, Wiz Khalifa, Currensy, Kanye West, Tyga, etc
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| Sayaotonashis wrote: > I could help you guys XD You're hilarious
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| Darker Legends wrote: > You're abusing the ..() procedure. He's displaying the variety of uses for its function, so.
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| I agree. For a long time I've been contemplating doing a polished version of SpaceTug by Gughunter.
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| Yo mang dis movie was duh bomb cuz dat red truck ting went boom and the lights wer bright and that one thing waz shiny
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| Finally someone on BYOND has made it. 1 out of thousands, congratulations.
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| Dakumonki wrote: > Who cares? Not like you've made anything worth play roflmao. Who knew it was a contest programming, …
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| TH-Productions wrote: > The ones who did offer? Brought forth beyond horrible results (...I won't even say) and most …
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| Any specific reason why your sprites are isometric and your turfs aren't.
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| SuperAntx wrote: > I use the default colors, anything else I find unreadable. I've become accustomed to these font …
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| Anyone got a PS3? I play Madden 11, Killzone 3, Battlefield 2, and Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 online. PSN: …
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| Chat is currently back in production, and being tweaked for bug fixes / feature additions. Stop by today and check it …
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| SuperAntx wrote: > Why bother making something from scratch when you can rip some anime game and make a few hundred …
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| I see you already have Mitadake High favorited, which is great! Another game I heavily reccomend is Feval, it's a PvP …
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| You know you can buy memberships straight from the credit card right? Alternate Method - PayPal
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| Working on this again. PS. Evi, hit me up whenever you're online. Need to talk to you about the medal system.
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| Every time I visit this blog.
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