| I'd like to request that get_step() have a step_size parameter. Since pixel movement is now a widely used thing it …
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| Join our community server for the latest!
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| With the addition of subscriptions and credits, BYOND went from hobby game development to potential income source. In …
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| Our weekly dev log for May 18th, 2017
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| Website Relaunch It's been a while since I've made a post regarding the development of this. So I thought I should …
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| As an extension of my post here, I'd like to request the implementation of a render priority field independent from …
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| Isometric format is a headache!
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| Our dev logs for 9/1/2016
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| Our development logs as of 8/24/2016
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| Development update for 8/18/2016
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| Popular, active and newest? C'mon!
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| Hey, I'm just inquiring about using non-default fonts with DreamMaker. I've asked around about this before, but got no …
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| Has BYOND ever thought about going the way of other video game frameworks like Unity and implementing a way for users …
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| I'm not sure where to post this, but it's been several months since we've listed our hub to be reviewed and still …
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| The restart of a long dormant roleplaying game. What could be better?
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| A lack of roleplaying games on BYOND? See inside.
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| Ever wonder what might happen if you were to cross the Total War series with say.. Sid Meier's Pirates (holding the …
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| I got to thinking earlier today, that a lot of hubs on the BYOND homepage have production keys that lead to a group of …
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| N:NA (Naruto: Ninja Adventure)'s progress report.
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| Hey there bloggers! This won't be a very long blog entry, as I'm not really in the writing mood, and I'd like to jump …
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| Space exploration, big ships, huge guns? I'm in!
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| Hello. This review will mark the first of many reviews (hopefully to come) and my personal first of a game on BYOND …
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| Operating System: Windows Vista 32 bit Website Browser and Build Number: Google Chrome (latest version) URL/Link to …
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| Hey guys, haven't made a post lately.. Thought it may be time to do so, eh? Yesterday out of absolutely pure boredom, I …
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| Are you a fan of Star Wars: Chapters? Please read.
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