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| Some changes to dm.exe that would make life easier: flag to suppress "loading ..." output in -l and -o, so we don't …
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| A brief reminder to the casual game authors of BYOND.
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| The upgrade for 417 to 418 worked flawlessly, but I'd like to see a change log or the right forum announcement about …
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| Since we can toggle the left sidebar now, there's not too much different with the regular forum and the miniforum now …
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| DS will limit the line widths it sends to 80 chars, which I believe is default for telnet clients. I was hoping there …
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| A BYONDscape Classic! If you're a new programmer, this will teach you one of the most important techniques. If you …
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| I think it'd be convenient if there were command-line parameters for username and password in the pager app. As a …
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| It'd be useful if we could figure out what version of BYOND we were using without having to boot up the pager. Just a …
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| Here's a compilation I made of great software, everything in it will run great on even the slowest of machines (minus …
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| Crashed wrote ( id:575523): > Part 2: I find that logs in 3.5 were ridiculously huge, there's lots of redundancy. In 15 …
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| I was reminded of this idea from Falacy's post, but when writting that little chat program I wanted a way to not let …
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| Can we have the animated-movement option back please? Animated movement is real slow on low-end computers, and by real …
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| For the past month I've been working long and hard on something I officially call DMIDE. DMIDE is an open-source, …
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| Multipurpose list and string functions that I use in my games.
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| //Title: Scrolling Text //Credit to: Crashed //Contributed by: Crashed /* Scroll your text and make it prettiful! */ …
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| Allow users to select a colour with a nice interface.
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| Rectangular functions made easy!
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| Don't use the evil 'gold' variable, use the holy library!
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| Easily manage overlays and underlays with this tool.
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| (Yes, I am posting under Popisfizzy's blog, but I'm on a 354 day no-post streak. Don't want to ruin it.) Alright! …
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| I can't find another way to set a macro other than going into Options -> Preferences. I was hoping there could be a …
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| I've been using a cron job to ping all online servers (to check if they're still online, just a little back-up check), …
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| There should be a real key procedure that returns the exact key. Sort of opposite to the ckey. I know this is possible …
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| I was wondering if there's a way currently to check if a user need to download resources for the game or not. This way …
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| Uhm, these following variables would be great to stick in to DM: see_invisible_freq & invisibility_freq: This allows …
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| Has any of you played DragonBall: Sagas? (The new DBZ game released) I find it a little boring, I mean, I did beat the …
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| On 6/4/00 1:24 pm Deadron wrote: > I assume the Easter egg is the banner item that has started popping up. Clicking on …
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| Mrm, I haven't been able to successfully balance out the attributes for the races for my game. There are 5 races, and …
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Mar 4 2012, 5:22 pm