| Driver's Ed. is just a summer class here o_O
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| I did want to set it outside, yes. But if I wanted the table a differant color (for future referance) do I have to set …
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| Elation: > Then I come back and I don't get a high ranking, despite playing a few games and winning every single one …
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| I like how "PC Room" has one of four computers in it :P
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| I have a network with three computers on it that is set up so they can all share files. However, my computer (Operating …
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| I've noticed that if people get the slightest variation in the speed of their gameplay, they scream "OMG LAG!". Not …
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| Polaruis isn't going to download the ROMs--he knows that's illegal. He just wanted to know where they are, just to …
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| All you have to do is post on a topic and change the thread title to "Close topic" to tell a Moderator to close it and …
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| I think he means like in Byond versions before 3.5 where when you got d/c'd you can just hit enter and rejoin …
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| When going to comment on a blog, since some people comment on other peoples' comments like I've said before, there …
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| What I did is just copied the default stylesheet and changed the colors; I didn't mess with anything else =( but I've …
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| no, just make it so when you view a post it shows when it was posted according to what time it is at your house, like …
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| If I Recall Correctly; and yeah I forgot even though I saw you say that on someone else's blog :P if I don't know what …
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| Hey cool it does work in IE :P Oh well I'll just use Advanced Search until/if its ever fixed
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| Before you place an object on the map, right-click and go to "Generate instances from directional states" or something
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| I don't think my Pager is sending me pages when someone comments on a blog after me. This would be handy because …
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| Bui: But it makes me feel unloved :( I need to seriously write down the posts I comment on so I can check …
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| ...what...the...heck is so important about Pager? o_o seriously, you people need to stop its getting annoying >_> …
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| I bet the creators of these games are laughing at you :P I give up on the question from my comment. I don't think …
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| There's a game that abbreviates "CSS"?
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| he didn't do it because he likes you, he's trying to pass up DeathAwaitsU :( But that's okay I'm sure you have other …
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| My family calls it "Soda pop" >_> (or "Soda" sometimes, but usually "Soda pop")
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| I do the cycle thing also; I'll switch between feeling like coding _D_W_ (which people like to play, so it bugs the …
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| Well I guess that helps a little, but still there are a lot of people who use "Gaming" and other wierd things. Also, …
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| SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote: > [Edit] But surely there's some reasonable estimate? Couldn't the total number of online keys …
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| well I don't have anything; though I doubt this computer has enough RAM and HD space to run today's spyware.
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| This really doesn't have anything to do with "Pager" because it'd work online. Thus I said "Byond.exe". On the pager …
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| There really isn't a way to stop the input() thing from dieing when you relog unless you set variables before each one …
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| 143 dimes and you won't spend them on a Membership? >_>
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| back to the "art" part, you could have also pointed out that people don't go to art galleries, steal a copy of a …
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| The Hub was just http://byond.com anyway >_> use Browser... Or if you're cool like me, Pager :P
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| He means a "Your favorite games" section, not a "My favorite games". He wants your list of favorites to appear on the …
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| You make no sense. First you go and say we're lazy, then you don't even bother to send a link to the forums. What kind …
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| oh yeah those files. I knew I had heard that often I just couldn't remember being able to create a .dmb them in Dream …
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| Jamesburrow wrote: > When you add someone to you're ignore list you cannot see forum posts We have that. Its called …
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| That's ironic. A newsletter telling us about updates--being "waitlisted" to update other things :P
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| You'd need to have the map save itself though. People with bad computers *cough* can't do this :P
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| You missed your debold tag. How is this a feature again?
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| Well, if you're logged into BYOND, you can add yourself to Pager, click your key, and click Info and jump right there …
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| world/New() log = file("Log.txt") ^^ I didn't tag it but meh
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