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| Thanks for the encouragement. Now that I think about it, I still haven't come up with a title for the game...
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| Does that mean it's essentially $9/month?
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| That is some really nice info. to know. I don't think it applies to such a simple example, though. I could easily …
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| Yeah, it's Kingdom Hearts, right? It's cute!
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| Well, there's another bug that, if fixed, would eliminate the need for this, but I have trouble reproducing it in other …
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| It's just some kind of fantasy katana or something.
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| DivineTraveller wrote: > telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl 23? That sounds right. Strange it sounds familiar even though …
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| Well, if you're still learning, then you should just practice.
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| Really interesting discussions, there. There isn't any actual concluding answers, there, but still some useful info …
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| Teka's a nice guy, though...
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| If you want it to be original, why are you using a rip? o.o
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| As it stands, they're using Javascript to support .png's in the browser control anyways. (pngfix.js or something like …
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| Hm. I noticed the mouse didn't aim properly when I played as well. Guess it wasn't just me.
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