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| You can do this by calling icon functions in DM and then re-saving the modified icon.
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| Holy crap. You guys like writing books about this subject. DBZ is a very passionate topic, isn't it?
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| I sure hope he's not only eating Top Ramen. That's just not healthy.
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| Where's the full size? It seems there's some artifacts introduced from scaling it down. :( EDIT: My bad, it is the full …
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| Okay, I think you're right about a bug report being premature. It's being hosted on a Linux shell (latest build: …
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| Back to your earlier discussion on font files being located on the client's computer, thus preventing the server from …
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| Forum_account wrote: > Being able to figure out how to use the DM language to solve problems is much harder and takes …
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| I do believe the arglist() proc was added for the purpose of perfect forwarding. (Maybe.)
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| I've never heard of Iron Dogs, and is Casual Quest really that old?
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| Then I support this feature whole-heartedly.
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| They have functions like that built into the C++ standard, so I don't see why BYOND can't have it. (Given that BYOND is …
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| Yes. This would be sort of nice. The only thing that would be better is a group of testers always on-hand.
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| We aren't professionals being paid to do this. What do you expect? T.T
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| Stephie, get on Chatters more often? :)
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| Gi Money wrote: > Hi there, > Lately I've been messing around with the designing of a player's stats. > Let's take some …
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| An item of great usefulness would be a control in the skin editor for making drop down lists of items. There should be …
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| Well, before I'd had issues with only changing the map, so I thought it was part of the rsc. Oh well. Guess I missed …
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| If your game allows AFK Training, why not make it a feature? Farmville is a very popular game. And it's basically AFK …
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| Just make the best game you can make, and don't spend a lot of time trying to make it better than other games. Make it …
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| SuperAntx wrote: > I'm not saying BYOND shouldn't have FLAC support, but once again I feel this is another thing where …
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| Whoa! This concept is amazing... Though, theoretically, this sort of idea has been thought of before, just not as …
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| Tafe wrote: > To the processor part... > All the games after 2005, i would say, is multicore supportive. If you have a …
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| Lige wrote: > Complex Robot wrote: > > > Advice to the byond community! Powergame hard! > > > > Translates to "cue rap …
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| What do you mean by "points?"
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| Maybe someone should step up and make a game for the purpose of funding BYOND? The community could work together and …
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| Flame Sage wrote: > I think unread posts should be orange, and read posts should have a light blue header like we do …
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| I know it's not "voodoo magic." As I said, I have made working programs using both TCP and UDP, and I have weighed the …
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| EmpirezTeam wrote: > What's a Falkland? Guerra de las Malvinas.
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| @Amsel: You make a really good point. First, we'll have to see the site changes before we say it's that bad, though …
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| Syntax Highlighter DM Syntax Highlighter These are two libraries in DM that can do it for a DM project. If you can port …
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| I like this idea, because players will know what the update is, and it will entice them to play the game. (I don't care …
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| Basically... You leaving the Internet accomplishes very little. That's why you're getting flak.
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| Masterralphy55 wrote: > Your CSS = I like. (; Well, enjoy it while it lasts...
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| Mathematician Claims Breakthrough in Sudoku Puzzle (Scientific American) Basically, a mathematician used a rarely-used …
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| You sure it fills it with null space? I think it might fill it with the default map turf and area.
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| I don't think they can just put more ads on the site and expect to get more revenue just like that. I may be wrong, but …
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| While this is all an interesting point to make... You wouldn't just be gaining half-a-pixel, you'd also be doubling the …
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| What if the Guru lied, and no one had blue eyes? Everyone there would assume they were the one, but they'd be wrong.
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| Solomn Architect wrote: > 3.1 However I am running off of a $300 laptop... Well, beat me, I guess. I'm running off a …
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| My only complaint is that it might be hard to do certain things in a tile-based system. Like, when the person blocks …
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| Is that 95 a glitch, or is that actually possible? I think not. A chess board is 8×8, so there's only 64 spots on the …
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| I assume you meant 'floats over doubles.' I'm guessing just because they use less memory. (32-bits instead of 64-bits.) …
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