| Looks like you guys are on a good track to getting your goal. Good luck. I think I'll keep my input to myself until you …
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| Some one minute sketches and other 2-3 minute doodles. I gesture a lot, which if you don't know is pretty much where …
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| Whoops. Go to google and search, "Chibi body proportions" - go to the images tab and the first two pictures are just …
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| Sweet. Only thing bad about going bigger is moving the screen farther back. When I got the HP w2408h I got constant …
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| Gah, I've been so busy with boring college. General Education is the worst part of college for everyone I think. Any …
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| SuperAntx wrote: > What's even more fucked up about sending the nude pictures is in some places the person receiving …
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| "Can I find creativity by looking for inspiration" Most artist I know have a few inspiration sites they only look up …
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| That's a waste of money. You do realize that Inuyasha the anime series was discontinued, right? I actually enjoyed …
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| The upgrade wrote: > I haven't played my Xbox alot lately so my membership expired. So I'm going to wait till silver …
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| Zaole wrote: > I predominantly prefer to play survivors, and I think the melee change was good. If the recharge bar is …
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| http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=gjDBHyA2Dxw&feature= channel_page I'm so lucky lucky, I'm so lucky lucky, I'm so lovely …
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| Stupot wrote: > If you watch the video and see the guy talking, he pretty much says that the only reason he didn't kill …
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| Eh, I think it's more Miami's entertainment is party life. Which isn't me, I don't drink, I've tried clubs, but it's …
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| He looked back at both his past and future? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. LOOP ERROR
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| Pmitch wrote: > Wacom Tablets are the greatness. Ive gotten to the point where i pixel more quickly, and better while …
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| Is that a Shotgun in the "Ready!" one? Looks real nice though.
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| Vermolius wrote: Mainly I just don't like people who are full of themselves. You really shouldn't be. It doesn't make …
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| I've never used Blender, hear it's good though. I usually use 3ds Max Design and Zbrush. I'd suggest trying Zbrush too, …
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| Yeah, I agree with everyone else. No leg room, I'm 6'3 with a size 16 shoe so I wouldn't even be able to get …
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| Jeff8500 wrote: > You need a book to work on a power point project? What do they take people for? Idiots? It sounds …
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| Those trees look like bushes with peg legs. I say this simply because I used to do the same thing. Zenigwolf once …
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| AmonR wrote: > CodingSkillz2 wrote: > > I'd have to say no. I use Photoshop at my work, and for personal use since …
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| Australia prevents sale of World of Warcraft and other MMOs : HOLY CRAP. I don't know whether to cry or laugh. I don't …
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| Mobius Evalon wrote: > I'm not surprised that Adobe would pull something like that, since they already completed …
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| D4RK3 54B3R wrote: > YOU'RE THE ONE THAT CRISPY HIRED FOR THE JOB!!! Oh well, You're a good graphics artist, so he's …
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| SuperAntx wrote: drive-by nay. Lmao.
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| Xbox 360's new avatar update is kinda like that. You can't choose between your clothes colors to be unique and …
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| My goal in life is actually to work for Pixar with Computer Animation. But to be honest, most of the movies I didn't …
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| DBZ live. Cause anyone would have to be high to watch it.
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| So, I have had a great week. First off, I submitted to Crispy's auditions for achievement icons. I must admit the first …
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| I assume you wanted us to send it to your email. In which case, I sent it to the email you have publicly displayed on …
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| Gimp. You don't need anything too advanced for pixel art. Photoshop would be overkill and personally I find it really …
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| You're the one asking us for ideas, what's that say about j00.
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| I still don't get it, what's everyone getting. <_<
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| Your current text title and your previous one which was red or black, or a mix of both. I can't currently remember. …
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| Tib: Whatever you said on 360, I couldn't read. And yeah. It was pretty fun. Then I got the game, 2 hours and 48 …
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| Google's search engine works by what's most popular(And edited most often). Usually when people search something …
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| I'm with Calus CoRPS. "Bi-ond". Just because it's different.
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| Is it just me, or does everyone see a shadow of the Star Trek ship in that picture?
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| So, I recently bought another domain for my designs, projects, and my own personal blog. (Other then BYOND's) …
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| You're still a noob to me. <3 Also, Happy birthday.
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| Be good, get many many fans on FA,DA,Sheezy,etc. Never do commissions or art trades. Put out one of your drawings after …
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| D9k9 wrote: > In this CS4 package do you get everything such as Photoshop, Fireworks, DreamWeaver. Aftereffects, Flash …
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| All the songs that band comes up with are rather catchy, and seeing what they have to base the song off of, I'd say …
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| The ISO is way too high in the "professional" shots. Looks about 800-1000.
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