
Joined: Nov 25 2013

Avali on a hill who makes games.

Medals CliffracerX can earn in her favorite games, and all games in which CliffracerX has already earned some medals

[Only favorite games] [Earned medals]


Long Live the King

Awarded for taking down the traitorous scum

Coup d'etat

Awarded for being killed in a state takeover

Ba-boom! (GiaD 2011)

You Scored!

You have played a match of Ba-boom! and scored atleast 10 points.

You are Victorious!

You have survived the match by bathing in the blood of 3.

The Reaper

You have mercilessly butchered 5 souls.

Micro Defence


Kill at least 400 Baddies [M]

Paintball Party!

Grenades Medal

Given to a player who has brought the grenades Ability!

Ten Wins Medal

Given to a player who has achieved 10 wins!

Thirty Wins Medal

Given to a player who has achieved 30 wins!

Paintball Master

Given to Players who have achieved 75 wins!