| Can't wait for this game. Is throwing picks in the game?
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| Majpaj wrote: > Wow looks pretty good cant wait to try it out. > > By the way when is it going online? Its been up a …
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| A 3D First Person Shooter. Soon to be a Multi-Player game aswell.
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| go to the Home Page of Pixel Art Society and scroll down look to the left for a link saying Join when you join you get …
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| Totally orginal, amazing gameplay, great players, just admins, Come Play Today!
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| 3 things that make this the bomb! 1) The Profile System 2) The Medals 3) All the players. The people on here are …
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| There u go can you see it now?
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| WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! ZOMG what game are you doing it for can i come play!!!!???? That icon is amazing i mean theres no words …
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| WOW i like it its a bit chubby but thats cool for a base icon im loving it.
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| Hmm but do you like it?? The first one is basic then the second has a bit of shading on the frame of the window and …
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| I thought it was ok at first but know I see your updates I see alot of progress its looking really good.
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| WOW Thats amazing i want to see the tutorial, seriously that is pretty darn amazing animation. I know i couldnt work on …
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| I dont really know much about iconing/spriting since I ain't practiced it in ages but I do know a lot about bleach and …
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| Does anyone have a tutorial on a smoke tile that would come off a smoke granade?
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| I cant seem to find a contact for BYOND Dev.Team or Admin.Team can anyone pass on a link or help me out?
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| Gromano wrote: > Chrislee123 wrote: > >and my MSN addy is [email protected] > > -------------------- …
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| Sry i aint replied in ages my internet was down till we go wireless activated also thanks for the criteria and ill add …
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| OMFG thats great i like it. Im back by the way XD
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